Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Community Service Project at Silver Jubilee
Community service is an unpaid, voluntary act performed by a student or group of students with an approved non?profit agency that benefits someone else, the local community or the environment.
In other words, service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities.
For this community service project, the power of two people is far from enough, so we invite other group members to work together with us to complete this meaningful project. Through the group discussion, we had come out the idea of 5W1H, such as who (who is the beneficiary), why (the rationale for selecting the community service), when (the date and time), where (located at where), what (the activities we done there) and how (the way we making reservation and how we went there).
To summarize, we had made the final decision that is doing a community service project at Silver Jubilee Home for the Aged (HOME). Obviously, HOME is the beneficiary. The reason why we choose this as our community service project is that we would like to use our strength to give back to the society. After the discussion, we decided to went there on 21 August (Tuesday), from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Meanwhile, the activities that we did at there is cleaning activities, chatting with them, providing a cake for them and taking the photo with them. Through telephone call and email, we had reserved with HOME. On that day, we went there by car.
Conclusion, community service not only provides physical and spiritual rewards but also proves that we are happier. By gaining knowledge and professional experience, students will be better prepared to solve community and social problems. Next, volunteer work is not just about its appearance on paper, but about what we can give and get from this experience.
Through volunteering, we have the opportunity to play a role in the community and benefit those we care about. It also brings people together, especially with people from different backgrounds, and the common goal will enable us to work harder than ever. By learning more about ourselves and the communities around us, we will strengthen our confidence
History background of the selected community service or charity
The House of the Silver Jubilee (HOME) was founded in 1935 to commemorate King George V Silver Day. The land of Sungai Dua was donated to HOME by the late Mr. Cheah Leong Keah, J.P. The “Penang and Province Wellesley Silver Jubilee Fund” was launched to raise funds for the establishment of HOME. The Straits Settlement Government, Georgetown Municipal Council, and the public jointly raised about $1 million for HOME. Therefore, in 1936, a Trust Fund was established in the name of “Penang and Province Wellesley Silver Jubilee Fund”.
The chief minister is the chairman and the other three trustees are fund managers, known as the fund board. They are assisted by a 12-member General Management Committee, which is headed by another chair whose function is to oversee the overall management of the HOME. They are all appointed by the State Executive Council. Although the trustee is appointed for life, the members of the General Management Committee are appointed every two years and their services can be updated as long as the HOME needs it. Currently, there is one Manager, two Assistant Managers, two Matrons, a Finance Officer and other department staff responsible for providing HOME’s daily operations.
In addition, other philanthropists, such as the late Honorable Khoo Sian Ewe, C.B.E., O.B.E., J.P., donated 4 villas to commemorate his beloved wife, the late Mdm. Lee Sim Neoh and Lim Kongsi (Kew Leong Teong Lim Temple) donated another four villas. At the time, a visiting doctor, Y. B. Dato’Seri Tan Ewe Aik, started the clinic with the help of some nurses at Grey Sisters. He is also a member of the General Management Committee. In 1960, Dr. Datuk Seri suggested that design and build a 25-bed female ward. Referral to residents of general hospitals requiring further treatment.
It now occupies more than 22.5 acres of flat land, has 8 blocks of cluster units, 124 rooms, 5 medical wards, more than 80 beds, a rehabilitation center, a physiotherapy area, a gorgeous restaurant, and two Muslims. Kitchen and non-Muslim residents as well as a separate laundry room.
The below is the number of Residents as at march 2017 = 159 person
Chinese 66 86 152
Malay 0 2 2
Muslim 1 0 1
Indian 1 2 3
Eurasian 1 0 1
Total 69 90 159
3) Contributions to a needed community service or charity
Purpose of the project
Reliance College puts special emphasis on the relational aspect of community service and therefore asks students to partner with non?profit organizations. Community service provides students the opportunity to use our talents and skills to help those in need and to support local non?profit organizations. In addition, community service is an integral part of students’ learning experiences, contributing to their intellectual, social and spiritual growth and development as well as providing a framework for students’ roles as members of local, regional and global communities. Through this community service project, it also helps to build classroom culture and community, so that our relationship with each other will become closer and intimately.
The rationale for selecting the community service or charitable project
Through the group discussion, we had listed some community service activities like, environmental service project, volunteer for an animal organization, helps the local homeless or one that champions international human rights, etc. As a result, we had chosen the HOME as the beneficiary because it was an organization showing a need for funds to raise the quality of life of seniors, particularly those who may have limited mobility, and social interaction due to various constraints.
Besides, we would like to desire the seniors live happy, active and independent lives through interactive caregiving. We also hope that through this community service project, it will increase public awareness in order to care more about the seniors. Furthermore, we wish to spread the positive impact, warmth, compassion for the seniors.
Description of the benefits of the project to the community and chapter members’ understanding of leadership development, social intelligence and community service.
Volunteering plays a critical role in empowering individuals, in fostering active citizenship and in building inclusive and resilient communities in which we can all flourish. We know that volunteering has many benefits for individuals who volunteer, the organizations to which we contribute and society as a whole.
The benefits of the project to the community is providing a positive impact on the lives of others, so as to spread the warmth, friendship, and kindness from the world around. In fact, it has the power to transform lives and to transform communities.
By putting together this pageant, we were able to gain many useful benefits such as; understanding how to work well with a variety of personalities, one on one, and within a group setting. We also learned how to collaborate and compromise by creating the budget for the event.
Leadership skills were enhanced by putting members in charge of arranging activities through the event. Moreover, we had learned about responsibility, accountability, managing time and money wisely. Through this project, we had discovered to build social networks, connectedness, and community resilience. Indeed, it helps us to build a sense of satisfaction, pride, purpose, and accomplishment.
4) Organization and implementation
Organizational chart, member involvement and job description
As a team leader, I’m responsible to provide direction, instructions, and guidance to a group of individuals, for the purpose of achieving a common goal. First of all, we had listed some of the examples of community service activity. Then, we had chosen the one that we think is the most appropriate for the community service project. As a leader, I am the one who is making a reservation with the HOME to confirm the details like date, time, activities that we will do on that day. I also in charge to buy some daily necessary things and a vanilla pandan fruitcake by using the money that we had collected as a donation for HOME. In a word, all member were actively get involved in this project, to ensure everything will be going very smoothly.
On that day, the activities that we had done at HOME were the sweeping floor, mopping floors, cleaning fan and window, cleaning ceiling, wiping dust as well as cleaning the benches and armrest along the corridor. Additionally, we also talking with them, serving slices of cake for them and taking photos with the seniors. During that day, Yu Jing is one of the photographers to take some of the memorable moment.
Description of the project and documentation
On 21 August, Tuesday, we had organized a trip to visit the HOME which was located at Jalan Sungai Dua, Bayan Lepas. The trip was comprised of 8 members.
When we arrived at HOME at 10 am, Ms. Tan was come forward to us and greeted us with a short briefing friendly. First of all, we went to the donation place to register the daily necessary things that we brought along and put it into a blue trolley. After that, Ms. Tan brings us to the kitchen to keep the vanilla pandan fruitcake into the refrigerator.
Image of daily necessary things in a blue trolley
In the beginning, we were divided into two groups. One group was consist of 4 people. That is, Einthu, Elizabeth, Jing Xin and I were in a group; at the same time, Qi Keong, Jian Wei, Adam, and Yu Jing were in a group. We were given the task to clean up each of the blocks within the resident’s area of HOME. We were the sweeping floor, mopping floors, cleaning fan and window, cleaning ceiling as well as wiping dust. After we had cleaned each of the dorms, we were cleaning the benches and armrest along the corridor. On the whole, we shared out the work and helped each other in order to complete our jobs as quickly as possible.
In the afternoon at 12 p.m., Ms. Tan allowed us to had our lunch outside. After having lunch, we cut the vanilla pandan fruitcake into small pieces and distributed to the senior citizens. They were really surprised that we will buy the cake for them. We also chat with them and singing their favorite song together. They really enjoyed it and clapped enthusiastically. As far as I am concerned, they were indeed remarkable and impressive.
Soon, it was time to leave. We all said goodbye to the senior citizens. They seem so sad that we were going back so soon. Before leaving, we had a group photo with them and promised them that we will pay them another visit soon. It was a memorable and ecstatic trip.
Image of the group photo with senior citizens
Impact goal for the beneficiary
Our goal for the beneficiary was to provide support for HOME. At Reliance College, there is an emphasis on everything that we do for HOME being about the change, not the amount of money earned, therefore, our goal was to try our best to do as much as we can. Hence, we had a total of 8 people attend the pageant, for the reason to help the residents of the HOME to be able to live their cleaner and safer environment.
In addition, we also had contributed a total amount of RM 200 for HOME. By using this money, we bought a 2kg of vanilla pandan fruitcake which cost about RM 104. Besides, we also bought some daily needs for HOME, namely, canned sardines, soap powder, toilet paper, instant noodles, baked beans, etc. The donation receipt from HOME, the receipt of the vanilla pandan fruitcake and daily needs are shown at appendix.
Moreover, we were socializing and befriend with the residents of HOME. We make sure that the residents are well treated with respect, kindness, and dignity.
Evaluation and recommendations
To be honest, I never thought about how amazing my visit to the old folk home would be. After greeting the senior citizen and talking to them one-on-one, I was very surprised by how appreciative they were for our visit. Maybe they felt lonely or abandoned before, but now the tears of joy in their eyes are shining. Perhaps everyone needs to know that they are really care of, even if it is a simple stranger.
After that, I was shocked by their optimism about the future, even if they were old. Their spirit is so young. Even if they are wheelchair users, they are selfless. It tells me that even in old age, happiness can exist, whether it is a frustrating situation or a decrease in health.
To conclude, this visit left a profound impact, memorable and interesting. Our consciousness and our profound influence on us. We are more sensitive than when we arrive; sensitive to the elderly. This visit is an epiphany. Each of us is determined to uphold our parents and elders. Old people motivate us all with their desire for the soul and firm hope. I know that the rewards of volunteering are two-way. When you take the time to help others, you will be amazed at how much you will get back – whether it’s a new look or a warm smile.
Impact of the community service or charitable project
Participation in community service gives us the chances to be an active member of the community and have a lasting, positive impact on society as a whole. Community service enables us to acquire life skills and knowledge as well as to provide services to those most in need. The below are some of the positive effects of participating in community service programs, like psychological benefits, social benefits, and cognitive benefits.
First, volunteering can improve overall life satisfaction and help us feel good about ourselves because we are helping others. It can also help relieve stress and depression. Second, volunteering enables us to engage with the community, build special connections with the people we serve, as well as increment social awareness and obligation. Third, volunteering helps us to heighten our personal knowledge, rise from new experiences, and originate better interpersonal skills.
In short, participating in community service will not only affect the organization and people being served, but also the career prospects of each student. Participation in community service activities helps to increase our resumes, enabling us to acquire work-related skills before graduation, establishing a good reference for employers in community engagement, and providing a forum for potential employers. It also helps us develop citizenship and social responsibility skills with a better understanding about community needs.
Recommendation(s) for future projects
In my opinion, here are my some recommendation for future projects. Firstly, I would like to wish that we can visit the seniors’ citizen when necessary or during their birthdays, anniversaries or other festivities. Secondly, provide them with more care, respect, and happiness by preparing some performance for them, like the singing song, dancing or playing games with them together.
Thirdly, I hope that we can invite more people to visit them as more people are more powerful, for the reason to spread our positive impact for them and use our strength to help them as we could. Besides, I suggest that we could hold a charity bazaar at Reliance College, in order to raise funds for the HOME. Lastly, I hope that every intake students will visit them at least once because they are very friendly and enthusiastic.
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