Posted: May 1st, 2022
Community Education: Bullying and Teen Dating Violence
Community Education: Bullying and Teen Dating Violence
For this week’s discussion, you will examine community education as it relates to bullying and teen dating violence. Bullying and teen dating violence are social issues that you may be required to address when working with youth.
Please respond to the following:
Explore the role of community education with regard to bullying.
In your answer, discuss why it is important to address bullying through educating others, and describe why this social issue is a public health problem.
Examine the ways in which education in schools and education in the community are the same and different with regard to bullying. Examine the ways in which bullying education in schools and bullying education in the community are similar and different in terms of content and delivery.
Explain why you believe that education in schools and education in the community are both vital in relation to this social issue in your response to the question.
Examine the significance of community education in the prevention of teen dating violence.
In your answer, explain why you think education in schools and education in the community are both important with regard to this social issue.
Analyze the role of community education as it relates to teen dating violence.
In your answer, analyze at least two resources related to preventing teen dating violence, and identify anything that you think needs to be added or changed about the resources.
Explain why educating the community about teen dating violence is of importance in terms of later dating relationships.
In your answer, explore the potential consequences that may occur if dating violence is not prevented or addressed through community education when individuals are in adolescence.