Posted: April 14th, 2022
Com Week 1
Communication helps us express our ideas and better understand others. In fact, delivering clear messages through oral and written communication are critical aspects of our daily lives.
In which aspect of your daily life listed below do you think effective communication is most important? Thoroughly explain why.
Academic (i.e., communicating with instructors, deans, and success coaches).
Employment (i.e., communicating with colleagues and supervisors).
Personal (i.e., communicating with family and friends).
Typically a substantial post consists of 5-7 sentences, and a peer response with 2-4 complete sentences. A substantial discussion forum response should make connections to course content, professional experiences, and personal experiences.
Watch the video below to help you get started with this discussion:
Communication allows us to express ourselves and gain a better understanding of others. In fact, communicating clearly through oral and written communication is an important aspect of our daily lives.
Which of the following aspects of your daily life do you believe effective communication is most important in? Explain why in detail.
scholarly (i.e., communicating with instructors, deans, and success coaches).
Workplace (i.e., communicating with colleagues and supervisors).
Individual (i.e., communicating with family and friends).
Typically a substantial post consists of 5-7 sentences, and a peer response with 2-4 complete sentences. A substantial discussion forum response should include references to course content, professional experiences, and personal experiences.
To get started with this discussion, watch the video below: