Posted: March 3rd, 2022
CMPE 131
2. For each of the process models described in this chapter, what are the benefits and drawbacks of using the model?
3. For each of the process models described in this chapter, bow does the model handle a significant change in requirements late in development?
4. Draw a diagram to capture the process of buying an airplane ticket for a business trip.
6. Using the notation of your choice, draw a process diagram of a software development process that prototypes three different designs and choose the best from among them.
7. Examine the characteristics of good process models described in Section 2.4. Which characteristics are essential for processes to be used on projects where the problem and solution are not well understood?
8. In this chapter, we suggested that software development is a creation process, not a manufacturing process. Discuss the characteristics of manufacturing that apply to software development and explain which characteristics of software development are more like a creative endeavor.
9. Should a development organization adopt a single process model for all of its software development? Discuss the pros and cons.
10. Suppose your contract with a customer specifies that you use a particular software development process. How can the work be monitored to enforce the use of this process? 11. Consider the processes introduced in this chapter. Which ones give you the most flexibility