Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Cloud Cost Analysis
This week, you should begin working on your Cloud Cost Analysis, which is due next week.
The analysis is for your client, a federal government agency, as part of its Microsoft Azure cloud pilot. The Cloud Cost Analysis is the second of a two-part assignment for your client’s CIO. Using the Azure Pricing Calculator, you will calculate the annual cost to configure a cloud system based on Azure’s recommendations.
The Cloud Cost Analysis will include three deliverables:
Deliverable 1 will include a share link to calculations displaying the steps you took to calculate the annual cost using the free Azure pricing calculator tool.
Deliverable 2 will be two spreadsheets showing the cost for a pay-as-you-go option and a one-year option payment.
Deliverable 3 will be a two-paragraph memo which compares the two and provides your recommendation
Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Instructions
This project contains three separate deliverables: the pricing estimate in the Azure calculator, pricing estimate spreadsheets generated from the calculator, and a two-paragraph memo with analysis and recommendations. All deliverables will be submitted using the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template and are due in Week 7.
Follow the steps below to complete the deliverable requirements.
Deliverable 1: Calculate Annual Cost
You will provide a link to the completed calculation displaying the steps you took to calculate the annual cost using the free Azure pricing calculator tool. Copy and paste the link to the calculations into the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
The default pricing is based on a monthly average.
Make sure to select the East US Region where applicable and otherwise keep all default settings.
As you select the products and add categories to your calculation, your selections will be added to the bottom of the page under “Your Estimates.”
Scroll down to view the categories you have selected.
Follow the steps below to configure the cloud system based on Azure’s recommendations:
1. Click the following link for the Azure Pricing Calculator to access the calculator. Here are instructions on how to operate the calculator.
2. Select Compute from the category menu on the left. Various product tabs will display.
a. Select the Batch tab.
b. Select the Virtual Machines tab and enter the number 10 in the “Virtual Machines” field. You will have to scroll down from the tabs to view that field.
3. Select Networking from the category menu. Various product tabs will display. Then select the following tabs.
a. Virtual Network
b. Load Balancer
c. VPN Gateway
d. Azure DNS
e. Azure DDoS Protection
f. IP Addresses
g. Azure Firewall Manager
4. Select Storage from the category menu. Various product tabs will display.
a. Select Storage Accounts for a Block Blob Storage type with 1000 GB.
b. Select the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 tab.
c. Select the Azure NetApp Files tab.
5. Select Databases from the category menu. Various product tabs will display.
a. Select the Azure SQL Database tab.
b. Select the Azure Cosmos DB tab.
c. Select the Azure Database for MySQL tab.
6. Select Analytics from the category menu. Various product tabs will display.
a. Select the HDInsight tab.
b. Select the Data Lake Analytics tab.
7. Select Identity from the category menu and then select the Azure Active Directory tab.
8. Select Security from the category menu and then select the Azure Defender tab.
9. Select DevOps from the category menu and then select the Azure DevOps tab for 10 users.
10. When complete, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen to save your estimate in the calculator.
11. Click on the Saved Estimates tab at the top of the screen to view all your saved estimates.
Adding Cost Calculation to the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template
1. Open the saved estimate.
2. Select the Share button at the bottom of the screen. The Share Estimate window with the link to the calculation will display.
3. Select the Copy button.
4. Open the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
5. Select the Cost Analysis Memo tab at the bottom of the template.
6. Go to the MS Azure Pricing Tool section.
7. Follow the instructions and select Paste or “Ctrl+V” to paste the link into the appropriate cell on the spreadsheet.
Deliverable 2: Estimate the Cost of Service
You will export and submit two Excel spreadsheets showing the estimated cost of the service types you selected in your calculation. The first spreadsheet will be for the “pay-as-you-go” savings option and the second spreadsheet for the “one-year reserved” option payment. Copy and paste both payment option spreadsheets into the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
You will need to go through both options to see which items apply to pay-as-you-go and the one-year option payment.
Follow the steps below to calculate both options.
Pay-As-You-Go Option:
1. Scroll to the Savings Options in the Virtual Machine section.
2. Ensure the “pay-as-you-go” button is selected.
3. Scroll to the Storage Accounts section.
4. Ensure the “pay-as-you-go” button is selected.
5. Select the Export tab at the bottom of the page. The pay-as-you-go estimate spreadsheet will download at the bottom of the screen.
6. Highlight the Microsoft Azure estimate and select the “Copy” or “Ctrl+C” to copy the spreadsheet.
7. Open the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
8. Select the pay-as-you-go tab at the bottom of the template.
9. Follow the instructions at the top and select “Paste” or “Ctrl+V” to paste the estimate into the spreadsheet. Adjust the formatting as necessary.
One-Year Reserved Option:
1. Scroll to the Savings Options in the Virtual Machine section.
2. Select the “one-year reserved” button.
3. Scroll to the Storage Accounts section.
4. Select the “one-year reserved” button.
5. Select the Export tab at the bottom of the page. The one-year reserved estimate spreadsheet will download at the bottom of the screen.
6. Highlight the Microsoft Azure estimate and select the “Copy” or “Ctrl+C” to copy the spreadsheet.
7. Open the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
8. Select the one-year reserved tab at the bottom of the template.
9. Follow the instructions at the top and select “Paste” or “Ctrl+V” to paste the estimate into the spreadsheet. Adjust the formatting as necessary.
Deliverable 3: Cost Analysis Memo
You will submit a brief cost analysis memo by writing two paragraphs to explain the annual cost difference between the “pay-as-you-go” vs. the “pay for one year.” Your analysis should also include which option you would recommend and why. Copy and paste your memo into the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
Adding the Cost Analysis Memo to the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template
Typing the memo into the template:
1. Open the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
2. Select the Cost Analysis Memo tab at the bottom of the template.
3. Go to the Memo section.
4. Type your memo into the spreadsheet.
Copying the memo into the template:
1. Highlight the Cost Analysis memo text from your word processing software.
2. Select Copy or Ctrl+C to copy the memo text.
3. Open the Project 2: Cloud Cost Analysis Template.
4. Select the Cost Analysis Memo tab at the bottom of the template.
5. Go to the Memo section.
6. Follow the instructions and select Paste or “Ctrl+V” to paste the memo into the spreadsheet.