Posted: September 22nd, 2022
Cloud Computing Dangers
Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Cloud Computing Dangers
Compared to other computing environments, there are some risks and dangers associated with cloud computing solutions.
In your discussion post:
Compare and contrast cloud computing solutions to other computing environments. What are some of the dangers associated with cloud computing?
Locate and share a recent article in which cloud computing had security issues. Describe the cloud computing issues for your peers. What were the underlying reasons for the issues that were experienced? Describe potential solutions for these issues.
Cloud computing is a worldwide growing market that organizations continue to integrate into their services. Cloud computing has increased employee productivity, faster marketing durations, and lower costs in the operations. However, cloud computing poses dangers such as security of data that can lead to lose and profile breaches. Cloud platforms stores all the services on the websites that they use passwords to protect information. Passwords can easily be hacked, thus enabling cyber-criminal activities (Rai et al., .2013). Companies store sensitive data in these systems, such as intellectual property. Therefore, breaches could pose risks such as loss and theft of data. Another cloud computing risk involves compliance violations that can put the data in weak hands. A regulatory action determines who can access the data depending on how the data is protected. A cloud computing service allows BYOD services; thus, they can quickly lose control over their users’ actions. The employees can upload sensitive company data into their cloud that causing malware infections that can lead to a targeted attack. Cloud computing can cause data breaches that can lead to customer distrust and revenue losses.
The solutions to cloud computing dangers such as data breaches can get solved by having tight security and protection protocols for the cloud solution. The organizations that integrate cloud computing must evolve their culture to ensure data security. The organization must use two-step authentication processes to provide adequate protection before login into the stem. Employees must encrypt data before transmitting them in the system, thus ensuring high-end security. However, implementing these security steps must involve training and certifying the whole staff (Rai et al., .2013). The organization must put the necessary controls to strengthen the system and to reduce the chances of vulnerabilities and risks.
Rai, R., Sahoo, G., & Mehfuz, S. Claire, G.(2013). Securing software as a service model of cloud computing: Issues and solutions. arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.2426.