Posted: November 28th, 2022
I am in nursing school, and we doing our clinicals at x Nursing Home. Below is the list of activities we did when we get there, writer can do research and write more.
we were 5 in numbers, we got there at exactly 8:00 am.
we were greeted by the LPN who was in charge of the floor. we created the resident. that were awake snd sitting at the lobby. we did a scavenger hunt of the place and the staffs that work their and what their uniform present their position. pink uniform are CNA, bungundy uniform, nurse manager. the LPN showed us around the ozanam hall and some of the resident. the LPN gave us a list of Resident that needs their vital taken. so our professor and I went our to those Residents on the list. WE fed patient her name was Rita, with pureed, first fed patient with small portion and ask if they want more. pause in between when feeding, patient was non verbal, patient was wearing foot drop on the right foot. later fed her with milk. we met Maria very interesting, alert, dresses in red, very mobile with a walker. 50 resident in total , the fist patient we did vitals on was Abel. B/P 139/60 HR: 60. MAP: 96. Patient 2. Carmen, patient with pacemaker machine, patient has hip placement. with B/P 135. HR: 70, MAP -75. Patient Virginia very alert, verbally, 94 years, very nice, she said she used to work as an accountant. resident wear armband, pink band means NPO, purple- honey, green means resident receives nectar thickened liquids
red- high fall risk.
yellow- medium risk
white band- nothing is going on with the resident.
the facility is long term with dementia/ behavior resident
Oldest resident is 101.
each resident has different doctors that comes in to see them. 2-3 patient may have the same doctor.
around 11:30pm it was their lunch time, we assisted in feeding the resident. after we done, we went to great the nurse manager and left.