Posted: October 24th, 2022
Clean label in the food industry
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Food Processing & Technology II Assignment
Due Date: Oct. 24, 2022, 11.59pm (Week 7)
Clean Label in the Food Industry
Consumers are not as focused on foods fit for dieting in terms of cutting fat
and calories as they once were. Many are now more motivated to
purchase products they deem to be more closely aligned with health and
well-being. This has given rise to cleaner labels which has put more
pressure on major food and beverage companies to adapt to these trends.
In fact, the term “clean label” has been a hot topic of discussion in North
America since at least 2011 and continues to gain momentum. The term is
not defined by government regulations and as a result has morphed into a
mega-trend fueled by consumer perceptions. Consumers are reading
labels, seeking out products with specific ingredients, or the absence of
specific ingredients, and making an investment in healthy eating.
So, in this assignment you will discuss the trend of clean label in the food
industry in relation to.
1. Introduction: Full understanding of clean label within the food
2. Trend: Discuss the current trend and what is being done currently by
some food manufacturers with examples of what some
manufacturers have done with ingredient manipulation to achieve
clean label in specific products/brands.
3. Prospect & Recommendation: Discuss the future of clean label,
suggesting what else can be done to achieve the objective of clean
label in ten (10) different commercially available food products
through ingredient replacement (or processing). Here, it will be nice if
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you identify some ingredients and suggest a potential ‘clean’
4. Identification: By listing or with the use of a table or picture (and
highlight/underline – see example below), identify ten different
commercially available products and specify which of the
ingredients are “un-clean”.
5.Structure and Reference:
References: APA format (6
th edition). Reference listing and in-text
Font and size: Arial and 12pt
Line & paragraph spacing – Double
No of pages: Minimum 4 pages and maximum 8 pages (excluding
title page and reference page)
Turnitin Similarity Score: 20% (Above 20% will NOT be graded)
To be successful in this assignment, tailor your work strictly to the