Posted: December 11th, 2022
CLC: Collaborative Learning Communities
523: CLC: Collaborative Learning Communities
As the school leader, you will want to initiate change by engaging and collaborating with faculty and staff. Professional development sessions can offer a useful opportunity to introduce new initiatives and create collaborative planning activities for implementation.
Part 1: Establishing a Professional Learning Community
This is a Collaborative Learning Community assignment.
You and your CLC members make up the team of administrators at a school. After assessing the professional development resources available, you all have determined that establishing a culture of collaboration and building trust is essential for your school. You would like to introduce and collaboratively establish professional learning communities to help create this culture. In your CLC group, develop a collective presentation for this purpose using evidence-centered research. A school’s administration team is made up of you and your CLC members. You have all determined that establishing a culture of collaboration and building trust is critical for your school after reviewing the professional development resources available. You want to introduce and collaboratively establish professional learning communities to assist in the creation of this culture. Create a collective presentation for this purpose in your CLC group using evidence-based research.
In a 12-15 slide digital presentation, describe how you will explain the purpose and benefits of PLCs. Walk your faculty through designing and planning the implementation of a PLC culture at your school.
Design your presentation keeping with the perspective of leading with purpose as transformational, servant leaders.
Topics to include within your presentation include, but are not limited to:
Definition of PLCs, including the value of PLCs for teachers and, ultimately, students.
A mission statement that describes the purpose of a PLC.
The overall goal of a PLC, including how a successful goal will affect student outcomes.
At least 2-4 examples of measurable outcomes for a PLC.
An overall structure of the PLC, including member roles and expectations.
A timeline to implement the PLC.
How the PLC outcomes could be evaluated.
Title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Support your presentation with at least 3-5 scholarly resources .
For items 2-7, in the presenter’s notes, describe how you would involve the faculty in creating the output for each topic to collaboratively build your school’s PLC plan.
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the student success center.
CLC Participant Evaluation Tool
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Student name: SELF
Rate the input received from this group member in the following areas:
1. Quantity – Did work submitted fulfill the portion of the assignment they were requested to complete?
2. Quality – Was the work submitted of sufficient quality to be include in the final product, with little or no revision?
3. Timeliness – Was work submitted in the timeframe requested?
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Student name:
Rate the input received from this group member in the following areas:
1. Quantity – Did work submitted fulfill the portion of the assignment they were requested to complete?
2. Quality – Was the work submitted of sufficient quality to be include in the final product, with little or no revision?
3. Timeliness – Was work submitted in the timeframe requested?
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Student name:
Rate the input received from this group member in the following areas:
1. Quantity – Did work submitted fulfill the portion of the assignment they were requested to complete?
2. Quality – Was the work submitted of sufficient quality to be include in the final product, with little or no revision?
3. Timeliness – Was work submitted in the timeframe requested?
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Student name:
Rate the input received from this group member in the following areas:
1. Quantity – Did work submitted fulfill the portion of the assignment they were requested to complete?
2. Quality – Was the work submitted of sufficient quality to be include in the final product, with little or no revision?
3. Timeliness – Was work submitted in the timeframe requested?
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Student name:
Rate the input received from this group member in the following areas:
1. Quantity – Did work submitted fulfill the portion of the assignment they were requested to complete?
2. Quality – Was the work submitted of sufficient quality to be include in the final product, with little or no revision?
3. Timeliness – Was work submitted in the timeframe requested?
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0 1 2 3 4
Student name:
Rate the input received from this group member in the following areas:
1. Quantity – Did work submitted fulfill the portion of the assignment they were requested to complete?
2. Quality – Was the work submitted of sufficient quality to be include in the final product, with little or no revision?
3. Timeliness – Was work submitted in the timeframe requested?
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