Posted: September 5th, 2023
In each response, provide comments on your classmate’s topic idea and ask a question that prompts your classmate to think more critically about how to explore the research topic in more detail. Each post should be a minimum of 75 words.
1. Nelson-Explain the implications of globalization.
Globalization has both positive and negative implications for the world’s population. Countries and their people become more connected to people in other countries through globalization (Bhargava, 2006). This connection can foster trade, travel, and deepen social awareness in the countries involved. However, globalization has a dark side too. The more interdependent nations become on each other, the higher the risk that instability (financial, political, etc.) in one country will detrimentally affect another (Bhargava, 2006).
Identify at least two ethical issues that go along with the global societal topic you have chosen for your final essay.
Two ethical issues that go along with my final essay topic are social responsibility and lack of training for educators in dealing with sensitive issues (Alenizi, 2018). Students with disabilities are not “one size fits all” when it comes to their learning environment or the challenges they face on a daily basis. Administrators, teachers, and paraeducators who are untrained in the specific needs of their students can cause more harm than good in sensitive situations. The ethical issue of social responsibility appears in financial and actual responsibility for educating a child with disabilities. Many school districts attempt to “pass the buck” onto someone else. In many developing nations, students with disabilities have few educational opportunities (Paul, 2011).
Explain how globalization contributes to or affects these ethical dilemmas.
Fortunately, globalization has shone a light onto many aspects that affect lack of education worldwide. However, students with disabilities (SWD) still fall through the cracks of education programs the world over, including in the United States. While there is awareness of ethical issues such as under trained educators and social responsibility for SWD due to globalization, there are not fool proof solutions in practice.
Propose solutions to these ethical dilemmas that are feasible financially, socially, and culturally.
Most people agree that education is a fundamental right of being human, a nation’s future is improved by educated citizens (Bhargava, 2006). What most nations have yet to figure out is how to make education accessible to all their citizens, including SWD who may need additional educational tools. Socially and culturally, understanding that education is a way forward to better economic growth and that every citizen deserves to be educated are vital to addressing the ethical dilemmas and funding issues faced by education. However, the financial backing of education, especially in poor countries, will not come until families have safe shelter and know where their next meal is coming from. In this way, poverty and hunger are fundamentally tied to a lack of education
2. Fleming-Explain the implications of globalization.
Globalization has a negative and positive effect on an individual’s life and business across the world. For individuals, it affects their quality and standard of life. An example of an individual’s standard of living that is affected by globalization could be a factory worker in a foreign country that live in poverty, and that is working for a 1.00 an hour. An individual’s quality of life could be affected by not be able to afford healthcare coverage for them or their family members. Globalization also affects how high power (the government) create policies regarding money and trades (Bhargava, 2016).
Identify at least two ethical issues that go along with the global societal topic you have chosen for your final essay
Poverty is one of the ethical issues that are related to my argument. When individuals live in poverty, they sometimes do not have access to medical attention or either do not know how to go about receiving the appropriate medical care that they need. Government deception is the second ethical issue. It is the government’s responsibility to help the citizens regardless of the fact. Americans should have access to affordable or free healthcare; it is a human right.
Explain how globalization contributes to or affects these ethical dilemmas.
There is an individual mandate law that requires American citizens in four different states to purchase healthcare coverage. If you do not buy into this healthcare coverage, then you must pay the penalty during tax season. Citizens that are living in poverty cannot afford to buy into this healthcare plan. Within those plans, you have to a pay monthly premium plus co-pays for medications, clinic, and hospital visits. (Rambur, 2017) The government should create healthcare policies to help American citizens without putting them further more into debt.
Propose solutions to these ethical dilemmas that are feasible financially, socially, and culturally.
Health care inequality is when Americans that are in living poverty, and their health is worse than other Americans that are in a higher income class than them. Americans in higher-income class can afford better healthcare coverage than someone that is in a low-class income bracket. The government should create policies that remove income inequality and create plans that give all Americans citizen’s equal access to the best healthcare coverage. By designing this type of policy can expand Americans citizen’s lives on earth.