Posted: March 5th, 2022
CL 101 John Paul the Great Catholic University Becoming a Judge Compare Law Essay
CL 101 John Paul the Great Catholic University Becoming a Judge Compare Law Essay
CL 101 John Paul the Great Catholic University Becoming a Judge Compare Law Essay
A model of becoming a Judge and its impact on the Rule of Law”.
Your task is to write a short essay on the topic above analyzing the systems of judicial appointment/election in min. 3 states and how this is or may influence the Rule of Law. You should look at your own state (Nigeria) plus two other (one common and one civil law).
John Paul the Great Catholic University, CL 101 Comparing Law Essays Becoming a Judge
John Paul the Great Catholic University, CL 101 Comparing Law Essays Becoming a Judge
“A Model for Becoming a Judge and the Impact on the Rule of Law.”
Your objective is to produce a short essay on the issue above, assessing the judicial appointment/election procedures in at least three states and how this affects or may influence the Rule of Law. You should consider your own country (Nigeria) as well as two others (one common and one civil law).