Posted: April 20th, 2022
CITM-504 Weekly Progress Report
CITM-504 Weekly Progress Report
Date of Report: April 3, 2022
Student Name:
Overview of Current Progress:
The globe has undergone digital change because of IoT applications. The transition is data-driven, and privacy concerns must be addressed. The most prevalent data security threats in IoT applications are insecure connections and data storage. To minimize the use of compromised devices to obtain personal data, IoT privacy must be prioritized, and security must be improved. Policies and legislation must be in place at work to combat Cybersecurity concerns and harmful apps’ access to sensitive data in IoT systems. Organizations must consider privacy problems originating from customer profiling, data breaches, lack of permission, and data loss from a legal standpoint.
Typically, all large IT-based companies are transitioning their services to cloud computing resources to reduce service provider engagement and administrative burden. Aside from these advantages, other difficulties are noteworthy in nature since they have never arisen. The shift from server-based deduction to benefit-based deduction is altering how innovation offices think about, define, and communicate their innovation and applications. These improvements have resulted in new security vulnerabilities, including security flaws whose consequences are currently being felt. One of the most serious security risks associated with distributed computing is the possibility of circumventing the IT department’s security and resources, as well as the data information officers.
The advancement of technology in the modern world has sped up global communication and made it simpler to collect large volumes of data. Rising communication and information technologies, on the other hand, have sparked worries about their possible influence on personal privacy. Privacy is a term used to describe a person’s personal situation in life as characterized by their isolation from public gaze (Batra, 2020). The right to privacy is a basic and universal right that is often disregarded since it is experienced rather than disputed. More data is being collected as technology progresses to unearth previously unknown, unrevealed, and forgotten details about a person. As a result, technology advancement suggests that we are turning into a transparent society capable of endangering a person’s physiological and political liberties.
Work Completed:
• 1.1 Assignment Devotional
• Topic description
• 2.1 Assignment: Devotional
• 2.4 Assignment: Preliminary Reference List (Phase 1 of Final Capstone Project)
• 3.1 Assignment: Devotional
• 3.3 Assignment: Progress Report
• 4.1 Assignment: Devotional
• 4.3 Assignment: Progress report
Work in Process:
From topic identification and description, the project identified suitable solution to the mentioned problem statement. For instance, to maintain anonymity, the only choice is to stay analogue, with all interactions taking place via conventional methods. As long as people interact on the internet, the government has the ability to listen in on private conversations. After the topic description, the project has progressed towards making a draft. The draft has the basic information of the topic and the expected final phase of its completion. The next step is making an outline of a PowerPoint presentation which is the third phase of the final capstone project. The PowerPoint presentation will provide a summary of the project starting with introduction to the problem, steps to provide a solution to the problem and a conclusion statement. After making an outline a final PowerPoint presentation will be made and will consist of information from all the phases of the capstone project.
Batra, A. (2020). Cyber Security Management: Creating Governance, Risk, and Compliance Framework. i-Manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 14(4), 27. DOI:10.26634/jse.14.4.17403
Conklin, W. A., White, G., Cothren, C., Davis, R. L., & Williams, D. (2018). Principles of computer security: CompTIA Security+ and beyond (5th ed.). McGraw Hill Professional
Hina, S., & Dominic, D. D. (2019). Information security policies’ compliance: a perspective for higher education institutions. Journal of Computer Information Systems.
Weekly Progress Report CITM-504
Report due date: April 3, 2022
Name of the student:
A Summary of Current Progress:
Because of IoT applications, the world has undergone digital transformation. The transition is data-driven, and concerns about privacy must be addressed. Insecure connections and data storage are the most common data security threats in IoT applications. To reduce the use of compromised devices to obtain personal data, IoT privacy and security must be prioritized. To combat cybersecurity concerns and harmful apps’ access to sensitive data in IoT systems, workplace policies and legislation must be in place. Legally, organizations must consider privacy issues arising from customer profiling, data breaches, lack of permission, and data loss. All large IT-based companies are typically transitioning their services.