Posted: March 3rd, 2022
CIS 524 Strayer Univeristy Google Inc Competitive Advantage Discussion
CIS 524 Strayer Univeristy Google Inc Competitive Advantage Discussion
CIS 524 Strayer Univeristy Google Inc Competitive Advantage Discussion
Question 1
Respond to the following:
Consider the article you read, “History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today.” Google has been the dominant market leader for search engines for the past several years, despite a fairly basic interface and competition from competitors like Microsoft and Yahoo. Discuss reasons why Google has been able to maintain such a high market share. Also, suggest some ideas for a search engine that would be able to take market share away from Google.
Question 2
Respond to the following:
From the research you did about information visualization, identify the tool you would be most likely to use in a design project and explain why you selected it.