Posted: March 17th, 2023
Choose a topic from micro economics that matters to you and find a
Choose a topic from Micro economics that matters to you and find a recent news article covering that
topic. Following are some of the topics from where students need to choose ONLY one topic:
Monopolies, Duopoly and Oligopolies in Australia
Demand and supply of certain resources in Australia
Costs of production in manufacturing industry in Australia
Reforms in Education, Meat, Agriculture and Tourism Industries in Australia. Choose ONLY ONE industry
out of this list.PL see the additional guidelines provided for this assignment. Evaluate the article using
Economic concepts. You should include The essence of the story (1 to 2 paragraphs): Introduce the
issue, who is interested in it and why. Explain how you can present the issue in terms of economic
concepts and theories you have learnt in class.
Explain what actions you would recommend to the key players and/or policy holders. Explain how the
above analysis supports your conclusion.
250 Words
2 Sources