Posted: January 31st, 2023
Child and family assignment, psychology
Instructions: This paper consists of THREE sections. Section ONE is compulsory for all students. Then select one questions from each of the subsequent sections and answer them accordingly. This paper contributes 30% of your final grade.
SECTION ONE: 10 marks
Q1- Assume that you are a family therapist and a woman walked in your clinic complaining that her husband is an alcoholic aggressive man. This woman tells you that herself and her two kids (4 & 6 years) are fed up with her husband’s verbal abuses and physical violence at home. As a family therapist,
a) Explain in detail how would you assess for violence and abuse in this family. (5 marks)
b) Formulate a clear treatment plan to help husband get rid of aggression towards his family members. (5 marks)
SECTION TWO (10 marks)
Select only one question from this section.
Q3- The juvenile court referred John to you as therapist. He is 17 years old adolescent who committed many juvenile crimes due to his excessive anger. His explosive episodes of anger made him commit horrendous attacks on neighboring kids, his colleagues and teachers. He sometimes assaults his siblings at home for a very simple reason.
a) As a family therapist, how are you going to assess for John’s case?
b) Then, explain in detail the treatment plan on how you will help John manage his anger so that he can live peacefully with others? (10 marks).
Q4- Hamad and his wife have difficulties coping with a new born baby. The baby cries a lot at night and Hamad gets angry because he can’t sleep well and he has to go to work in the morning. Every day Hamad blames his wife for not taking proper care for her baby. The wife gets upset and they start yelling at each other at night.
a) As family therapist, identify what are the possible problems of this family?
b) Explain step by step, how are you going to treat this family in order to improve their wellbeing. (10 marks)
SECTION THREE (10 marks)
Select only one question from this section.
Q5- Reem, a 28-year-old woman, is engaged in avoidant and compulsive behaviors. She is intensely afraid of getting married and tries to avoid any social situation or family gatherings because of her ruminations and negative imaginations about marriage life. Recent, her relationship with parents and sibling has severely deteriorated because of her behavior. Most of the time, Reem spends time in her room alone and shows no interest to interact with other family members.
A) As family therapist, provide an extensive assessment of this case,
B) A detailed treatment plan that could eradicate Reem’s disorders. (10 marks)
Q6- Salma is 15-year-old Arab girl who just joined a high school. Her mother found out that Salma has many things in her room that are impossible to buy with the weekly pocket money given to her. Salma’s mother is a high-rank banker who always come home very late due to the nature of her job. Her father is an army officer. Salam and her mother had very terrible argument last week in which Salma screamed and told her mother that she just care about her job and leaves her kids suffering. During the argument she smashed her phone and other household objects to the floor. The mother was very much touched by her daughters’ comments and behavior. The following week she lost motivation to go to her job. She spent most of the time sleeping and when she woke up she had no guts to do anything. She developed a severe head ache and when she went to hospital, the doctor said that there is nothing physically wrong with her. Based on the symptoms presented,
a) what are the possible disorders experienced by Salma and her mom?
Then, explain in detail how you, as therapist, would treat these two patients? (10 marks)