Posted: May 1st, 2022
change in these patterns has resulted into disparities in education sector thus a need to develop
Running head: Project ! 1
The product is an educational resources app and it is branded as EdApp. With the
advancement in technology in the recent past and the growth of internet across the world, virtual
platforms have developed. The pandemic also contributed to people adopting the new lifestyles
of engaging online activities and practices. One of the areas in which the use of online
transactions has intensified is education with schools and learning institutions adopting the new
norm of teaching their students through online platforms (Batra & Arora, 2020). However, the
change in these patterns has resulted into disparities in education sector thus a need to develop a
solution that gives all students and stakeholders including the less-privileged equal opportunities
to access resources. EdApp is an app that can be downloaded from app store in using either the
android app station or the iOS app station depending with the operation system of the device
used. The app provides education services for students and stakeholders from lower grades all
the way to stakeholders in institutions of higher learning.
As an educational online platform, EdApp provides unique services and products to
customers throughout the world. EdApp delivers innovative services to help low-income students
acquire access to higher education. There must be an internet platform that can be used by the
target demographic in order for this strategic goal to be met. User-friendliness and completeness
of information for the intended audience are key components of this process. An important
consideration is the product’s ability to adapt to the needs of its customers. In order to help high
school students who are planning to attend college, EdApp has created a one-stop shop of
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information and resources. This includes information about colleges and universities, as well as
financial assistance and other sorts of support.
Target customers
Target customer: The EdApp app product serves five classes of customers, all of whom
work in the education industry. The first classification or customer segment are individuals who
are in lower grades or elementary schools. The app offers teaching and learning resources for
teachers and students in the elementary school level. The second customer segment served by the
app include students and teachers in high schools or those past elementary level. College and
university students are included in the third group of potential clients. Higher education students
who want tutorials and notes on a variety of disciplines and courses fall into this category.
Education mentors constitute the fourth customer segment served by the EdApp. In order to help
students, these are people who have excelled in a variety of fields. The target client must fill out
a form verifying their status as a mentor in order to be eligible for this class of customers. This is
done to ensure that the company maintains high ethical standards and that pupils receive accurate
information. Sponsors, either individuals or organizations, are the fifth group of consumers. They
grant scholarships to underprivileged kids or students who perform very well and desire to have
their higher education in institutions oversee. The main aim is to link such sponsors and students
across the world and build a society where people interact across the world as a global
Appropriateness of the product to the customers: One of the features of EdApp is that
the platform has been optimized for ease of use. As a web platform, the product is able to reach
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and serve its intended audience. As a result, the target audience will have to visit the website and
choose what they want to purchase. Because of this, EdApp is simple and user-friendly so that
potential customers can quickly and easily find what they are looking for. EdApp has a high
mobile compatibility if it improves user-friendliness. Using a smartphone or other mobile device,
the target audience will be able to effortlessly access the online platform’s information and
services. To further improve the user experience, well-thought-out content is another
consideration. EdApp provides a wide range of services, including information, finance, and
mentorship. Each of the three service lines are well-organized such that users can quickly access
their selected service without having to navigate through the entire service line. In order to make
the content more easily accessible. EdApp has extensions that empower users to create filters
according to their specific preferences. Confidentiality of information is the other priority held
by EdApp. In order to give customers peace of mind when disclosing personal information.
EdApp has several security measures aimed at enhancing confidentiality. Client data is protected
from unauthorized parties by implementing advanced information technology security measures
(Nik et al, 2020).
Competitors: The app product faces competition from several global players all of which
have already established market shares in given regions. One of the competitors is Quizlet which
allows teachers and students to develop study sets on many topics which are then available to
other users if needed. The second competitor the app product faces is Brain Pop. This is a one-
stop-shop educational app that allows the users to access interactive quizzes, games and
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animated educational videos. The app is designed for kindergarten kids through grades and offers
lessons and education materials in English, French and Spanish. The third competitor is Evernote
which focuses more on business-related topics and project management. This app offers stiff
competition particularly for the higher education customer segment (Nik et al, 2020).
Competitive advantage: All the competitors have specific services offered to the target
market. However, in all the highlighted competitor, none offers an inclusive package similar to
what is offered by EdApp. This is the main source of competitive advantage for EdApp product.
EdApp has education materials for elementary, high school, college and university level as well
as mentorship and a platform for scholarships making it more than a one-stop-shop but a mega
facility all enclosed in a software.
Challenges and solutions
Proving EdApp’s feasibility is one of the difficulties in launching the product on the
market. It is one thing to amass enough evidence to prove the product’s legitimacy. In addition,
there is that need that the product to be exciting and appealing but not so disruptive that it sets
false expectations. In order for consumers to accept a brand’s new strategy, it cannot suddenly
change course. Prototyping a concept to see if it holds up to scrutiny might yield insights on how
to best present a product to customers in a way that inspires them to buy.
Another challenge is setting the initial price. It can be difficult to figure out how much a
product like EdApp should cost when it first goes on sale. The moment the parent company start
charging too much for the product, there will be loss of customers. When charging too little,
businesses risk losing out on revenues, as well as causing the product’s market value to stagnate.
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The goal of pricing is not to locate the most expensive item at which a customer will be willing
to pay. It is all about figuring out what pricing points entice customers to make a purchase via the
research process. In addition, these factors include how much legwork the marketing materials
will need to perform, what existing products can serve as reference points, and what bottom-line
price points inspire versus dissuade. What potential customers will pay for the services is limited
by all of these variables, which are both practical and analytical.
Finally, getting clients interested in the new product is a huge challenge. Although a
consumer’s money may be interchangeable, they can only spend each dollar once. The only way
people purchase or download or subscribe to the new EdApp product is if they stop buying
something else. Finding a way to get them to do that poses a great challenge. Initial customer
feedback and follow-up data are critical in identifying market gaps so that business product and
marketing strategies can be fine-tuned to better serve the target audience. Using these kinds of
tools, organizations may get a clearer picture of what their customers want and what they are
likely to buy.
Marketing plan
Integrated marketing channel will be used as the main tool in promoting the new product.
There must be an integrated marketing plan for EdApp to effectively communicate the brand
message across all of its platforms of communication. Customers can expect a consistent
experience across all of a product’s touchpoints when integrated marketing is used. Customers
and target audience members may regard the brand as disjointed and fragmented if the marketing
approach is not adequately integrated (Schultz, 2020, p.25)
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Under Integrated Marketing Communication, a variety of marketing techniques will be
employed. Digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO) might be used
(SEO). Digital marketing relies heavily on search engine optimization (SEO), given that
individuals conduct trillions of searches each year, many of which have a commercial intent
(Bhandari and Bansal, 2018, p.27). In addition to other forms of advertising, search is employed
as a key source of web traffic by brands. Gaining visibility and a higher position in search results
can have a significant impact on your business’s financial performance. In addition, social media
channels including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will be utilized. Social media can be an
effective marketing tool when attempting to reach a demographic dominated by adolescent
consumers. EdApp will also use mass media as part of its marketing strategy. Brand awareness is
a primary goal of this campaign, which aims to connect with the parents and other education
stakeholders. With the help of mass media, even low-income parents can benefit from this
strategy as they can easily access and understand what EdApp offers through adverts made using
mass media such as Tv and radio.
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Batra, S., & Arora, A, 2020. Adoption of ecommerce in MSME sector. PalArch’s Journal of
Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(9), 5701-5710.
Bhandari, R.S. and Bansal, A., 2018. Impact of search engine optimization as a marketing
tool. Jindal Journal of Business Research, 7(1), pp.23-36.
Bishen, R., 2019. A study on Emotional Marketing Practices. Journal of HR, Organizational
Behaviour & Entrepreneurship Development, 2(3), pp.1-8.
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Li, J., Zhang, J., Qu, F., & Zhao, Y, 2018. The Influencing Factors Model of Cross-Border
Ecommerce Development: A Theoretical Analysis. In Wuhan International Conference on
e-Business. Association For Information Systems.
Nik Mahmud, N. N. A., & Othman, A. A, 2020. Effectiveness of ecommerce infrastructure
towards purchase intention among STML Students in UUM. In Symposium on
Technology Management and Logistics (STML Go Green) 2019: Operations
Management, Volume 1 (Vol. 1, No. 30, pp. 103-105). Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Schultz, D.E., 2020. From Advertising to Integrated Marketing Communications. In A Reader in
Marketing Communications (pp. 10-40). Routledge.
Project! 1 is the running head.
EdApp is the name of the product, which is an educational resources app. With the help of
With recent technological advancements and the global expansion of the internet, virtual reality has become a reality.
platforms have progressed. People also adopted new lifestyles as a result of the pandemic.
a variety of interesting online activities and practices One of the areas where the use of the internet can be beneficial is in the field of education.
Education has seen an increase in transactions, with schools and learning institutions adopting the new system.
teaching their students via online platforms has become the norm (Batra & Arora, 2020). Nonetheless, the
Changes in these patterns have resulted in educational disparities, necessitating the creation of a new system.
solution that provides equal opportunities to all students and stakeholders, including those who are less fortunate
to gain access to resources EdApp is