Posted: October 29th, 2022
CCJ4746: Statistics in Criminology
CCJ4746: Statistics in Criminology
Essay 2: Causality
This essay assignment is designed to check your understanding of the basics of causation. Your
submission should be approximately 2-3 (minimum 2) pages long. If you are coming up too
short, you are probably not explaining your answers enough. If you use outside sources, please
cite them and include a reference list.
Write an essay that addresses each of the following questions. Please number or otherwise flag
(e.g., through bold text) the beginning of your answer to each question so that we do not
mistakenly overlook it when grading. If you wish to include equations or statistical symbols, you
can do so in Word using the Equation or Symbol menus on the Insert tab.
1. What are the three main criteria for causality? Give an example of each.
2. What is spuriousness? Give an example. How does spuriousness relate to control variables?
3. What is the difference between (1) a necessary, sufficient cause and (2) a probabilistic,
partial cause?
4. What is the difference between mediation and moderation (use the slides for this one)? Give
an example of each.
Grades will be based on the criteria noted in the syllabus.