Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Catholic Hospice Bereavement Support Group experience.
Catholic Hospice Bereavement Support Group experience.
o Support Group Experience Assignment. Pls, look and STICK to the rubrics. Check your grammar. PLAGIARISM IS NOT ACCEPTED!!!
o Use the Turn it in Originality Submission under “Assignments” to check discussions and assignments before you submit.
o FYI: We now have APA 7.
o Pls stick to the rubrics.
Support Group Experience Assignment/Paper
Purpose: Support groups are a place for people to give and receive both emotional and practical support as well as to exchange information. The purpose of this assignment is to help the student understand and evaluate group dynamics, group facilitation, and group processing.
Assignment: The student will participate in an observational Support Group Experience. This experience usually lasts 1½ – 2 hours. Choose a Support Group that meets the course objectives, **{Catholic Hospice Bereavement Support Group}** (i.e., Caregiver group, NAMI-National Alliance for the Mentally Ill support groups, Compassionate Friends-Grief support groups, Family-Survivors of Suicide support groups, cancer support groups). Each student is responsible for contacting the selected facilities/agencies and arranging the participant-observer experience. Call the Group Leader to obtain permission to attend. [Be professional and state that you are an advanced practice psychiatric mental health nursing student wishing to gain knowledge about the group and that this is a course assignment.] Maintain professional appearance and behavior while in groups – remember you are a guest and represent your Nursing program.
Write a 4 – 5 page (excluding title page and reference pages) paper on this experience. Follow the following criteria:
• Discuss the purpose of the support group attended.
• Describe the demographics of the group (e.g., number of members in attendance, gender, ages)
This is equal to the Introduction on the Grading Rubric
• Discuss the roles of the support group leader in relation to the group members.
• Identify the therapeutic factors (Yalom, 2005) you observed in the group. Give an example of each factor identified.
This is equal to the Focus & Sequencing on the Grading Rubric
• Discuss your observations about the needs of the group.
• Describe your feelings about this experience and how it personally enriched you.
This is equal to the Conclusion on the Grading Rubric
Use an APA 7 style and Write a 4 – 5 page (excluding title page and reference pages . Provide support from a minimum of at least three (3) scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation. citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards apply. Include the Doi or URL link.
• Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources.
• Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website or blogs should not be used
@@@@ I put some ideas that may help but feel free to write whatever is more appropriate. Also, I attached another paper, done by another student, that can serve as a sample to guide. @@@@
Several years ago, I worked for a catholic hospice as a nurse. I know the company’s mission well, giving individual plans to each terminal patient and their family, which helps deal with this complex process. Catholic hospice brings multiple therapies, like Camp Erin for young grieving the death of a significant person, pet therapy, and grief support. Even though I know about these therapies now for the first time, I attended to Catholic Hospice Bereavement Support Group. This group has sections Every 2nd & 4th Monday, from 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm, in David Posnack Jewish Community Center 5850 S Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328. The support group leader or facilitator was Anthony Nguyen, Bereavement Counselor at Catholic Hospice. Broward County, Florida, United States.
• Anthony Nguyen Bereavement Counselor at Catholic Hospice: Provides individual and group counseling services, including facilitating support groups, utilizing telehealth services, and implementing educational services. Conducts community outreach efforts and collaborates w/ other company directors and coordinators to engage, aid, and assist with areas of high need. Performs bereavement and social work assessments to assess complicated grief, bereavement risk, priority, family dynamics, crisis control, conflict management, etc., and documents accordingly in Suncoast and MyUnity database.
The purpose of the Catholic Hospice Bereavement Support Group…
According to the leader, the average group size ranges between 15-20 members; however, since the covid is around, sometimes they do online or zoon sections with 8 to 12 members.
Feelings Regarding this Experience: After participating in this group therapy, influenced by this experience, I want to do more to help people to deal with grief, so I decided to become a catholic hospice volunteer.
Catholic Hospice provides compassionate in-home/in-facility care through various comprehensive hospice services. Along with their loved ones, each patient will receive an individualized plan of care tailored to their specific needs. From practical respect to grief counseling, our interdisciplinary staff goes above and beyond to support you in this difficult time. We’re here for you — on call 24/7. We offer music during an individual or group session, pet therapy.
Camp Erin
Camp Erin® South Florida is a weekend bereavement camp for youth grieving the death of a significant person in their lives. Led by Catholic Hospice professionals and caring volunteers, campers are provided a safe environment — at no cost — to explore their grief, learn essential coping skills and make friends with peers who are also grieving.
Grief Support
We understand that you are coping with very tough emotions during our care. Our grief support and counseling programs ensure that you won’t be alone.
Highly trained psychosocial professionals walk beside both the patient and their loved ones. Social workers assist with resource arrangements, while religious figures and mental health clinicians exhibit signs of anticipatory grief. The bereavement team is dedicated to offering emotional support for 13 months following a death. Our services also extend beyond those who have chosen Catholic Hospice.
Our volunteer program provides even more compassion and companionship for patients. From keeping patients company to providing administrative help, you are an essential part of se,rving our mission as a Catholic Hospice volunteer.