Posted: March 5th, 2022
Case Study G
Assignment Overview
· Case study: PIH ch. 7: “Swasthya: The Politics of Women’s Health in Rural South India,” by Suneeta Krishnan, pp. 128-147.
After reading the assigned text, compose a 400-500 word reflection and submit it to the Canvas discussion board.
Content and Grading
In your reflections, address the following 3 questions.
1. What are the author’s main messages/arguments? What is the main takeaway of this case study? What is the essential background information that we need to understand it? (2.5 points)
2. How does the case study relate to concepts from the course (including lectures, readings and videos)? Connect themes in the case study to at least 2 concepts from the course. Put these concepts in bold so that we can easily find them when grading, and be sure to explain or elaborate on HOW the case study illustrates, complicates or is connected to that topic. (4 points)
3. Share your personal reaction or stance on the issues developed in the case study. Has it changed your opinion on the topic? Does it relate to your own personal experiences? Does it connect to things you have studied in other courses, or articles you’ve been reading in the news lately? (2.5 points)
4. Proper citations (1 point)
You must include proper academic citation in your case study reflections. This is a good habit to get into generally. Visit this page for the general course citation guidelines.
· When referring to required course material, use a shortened version of the APA’s author-date, in-text parenthetical citation system, e.g. (Marmot 2010). You can abbreviate our course textbooks to RGH and PIH, or use the case study author’s last name. Be sure to spell the author’s name correctly! Lectures can be cited by the number, e.g. (Ryan lecture 4.2). Videos can be cited by the primary speaker or a shortened version of the title, e.g. (Bad Sugar) or (Rosling).
· When referring to outside articles or sources, use the APA’s author-date, in-text parenthetical citation system, e.g., (Washington Post 2021) and include a hyperlink or full citation to your original source at the end of your submission. Connecting the case studies to outside sources is always welcome, but be sure you are also
· You do not need to write a full bibliography for case study reflections.