Posted: April 20th, 2022
Case Presentation
Case Presentation
In-Class Midterm Presentations Tomorrow
Hello Everyone,
I hope your week is going well. As a reminder, you are responsible for the following when we meet in class tomorrow:
***Midterm*** Week 5 – Simulation Case Presentation (managerial and narrative presentations).
These presentations account for 100 points of your grade, so be prepared to present and have your presentations in final form. I see that some of you still haven”t started the simulation in the Harvard Coursepack. You need to complete the simulation to build your presentations. I suggest you get moving on this right away today because this assignment is a lot of work, and you have to complete two full presentations based on the simulation. Again, this is 100 points of your grade and why you”ve had a few weeks to complete it.
Week 4 Discussions:
– People Analytics & Business Culture – from HBP Coursepack
– Big Data: The Management Revolution – from HBP Coursepack
– Minding the Analytics Gap – from HBP Coursepack
See you in class tomorrow.
Week 5 – Midterm: Case Study, Simulation, & Presentation
Note: The Case Study, & Simulation, & Presentation is your midterm assignment. As a result, I have opened week five material a week early so that you can get a head start as it accounts for 25% of your final grade.
Case Study & Simulation:
Read for Simulation Case:
Managing with Analytics at Procter & Gamble
Data Analytics Simulation: Strategic Decision Making – be sure to read the foreground reading, “Data-Driven Management of Blue at Kelsey-White” found in the prepare tab of the simulation.
Run the Simulation:
You will explore four years of past results using the different filters, etc.
Then work to make decisions for the four annual cycles by setting the price, determining what to product, and picking which product attributes to use, along with marketing and media spending. Work to find the optimal solution (no right or wrong), but be ready to justify decisions based on the case context in your presentations.
Build Presentations:
Build two presentations to communicate your findings:
First a “narrative presentation” – 10 slides or less – presenting to other analysts about your findings and recommendations.
Second a “managerial presentation” – 10 slides or less – presenting to an executive team supporting your findings and recommendations using analytics.
The presentations should each include:
Key Findings
Next Steps
Required Resources
Submit Findings & Presentation
Weekly Quiz Questions (Submission Due by 11:59 PM Sunday)
Acito, F., & Khatri, V. (2014). Business analytics: Why now and what next? Business Horizons, 57(5), 565–570.
Corrigan, G. (2015). Recruiting Analytics Talent: Attracting, Retaining, and Growing a Critical Yet Scarce Resource. Business Intelligence Journal; Seattle, 20(3), 17–24.
Viaene, S., & Van den Bunder, A. (2011, September). The Secrets to Managing Business Analytics Projects.
Case Study Presentation
Midterm Presentations in Class Tomorrow
Hello to everyone.
I hope you’re having a good week. As a reminder, when we meet in class tomorrow, you are responsible for the following:
Week 5 – Simulation Case Presentation ***Midterm*** (managerial and narrative presentations).
These presentations are worth 100 points, so be ready to present and have your presentations in final form. I see that some of you have yet to begin the Harvard Coursepack simulation. To create your presentations, you must first complete the simulation. I recommend that you get started on this right away because this assignment is time-consuming and requires you to complete two full presentations based on the simulation. Again, this is worth 100 points toward your grade.