Posted: October 20th, 2022
Case name (ex: Brandenburg v. Ohio)
Case name (ex: Brandenburg v. Ohio)
Court that is hearing the case (ex: Supreme Court of the United States)
Procedural history: (How did the case get in front of the current court?)
• Trial: Brandenburg was convicted and sentenced $1000 and 1-10 years in prison
• OH appeals court affirmed
• OH Supreme Court dismissed appeal
Facts (What are the most important facts about this case? List them in paragraph or bullet form.)
The Issue (What is the issue/question the court is deciding?)
Example: Is the Ohio law that punishes people, such as plaintiff Brandenburg, for advocating violence as they appeal for political change constitutional under the First Amendment?
Rule (What rule/test does the court create or apply?)
Reasons (What reasons did the court give for coming to its conclusion?)
Judgment (Who won/lost, and why? Summarize in a sentence)
Note dissenting/concurring opinions (offer a few bullet points in summary)