Posted: March 3rd, 2022
case analyze essay
For homework, all cases should be preliminarily analyzed using this outline format, due before the start of classes.
No item should take more than one line.
I. Major Problem (CLAIM) Identified: The problem is…
A. Justifications for problem statement (FACTS with WARRANTS)
1. why is this the problem? what in the case suggests that this is the problem? 2.
B. Justifications for problem statement
1. why is this the problem? what in the case suggests that this is the problem? 2.
II. Alternatives (possible solutions to the problem identified)
A. Alternative 1
1. Advantages to alternative 1
a. advantage a
b. advantage b
2. Disadvantages to alternative 1
a. disadvantage a
b. disadvantage b
B. Alternative 2
1. Advantages to alternative 2
a. advantage a
b. advantage b
2. Disadvantages to alternative 2
a. disadvantage a
b. disadvantage b
C. Alternative 3 (you must list at least three alternatives)
1. Advantages to alternative 3
a. advantage a
b. advantage b
2. Disadvantages to alternative 3
a. disadvantage a
b. disadvantage b
III. Recommendation (Alternative Chosen) (CLAIM)
A. Major Justifications (FACTS with WARRANTS)
1. Justify your chosen alternative
2. Use as many statements as necessary in your justification
3. Part of your justification must be a comparison of your chosen alternative with alternatives not chosen .
B. Minor Justifications
1. what in the case suggests that this recommendation is the best alternative?
IV. Implementation
A. List issues that are important for the implementation of your chosen alternative (i.e., what will the company actually have to do to make your recommendation happen?)
1. . . .
2. . . .
B. List other problems that your recommendation does not remedy
1. . . .
2. . . .