Posted: December 16th, 2022
Caring for a hospitalized pediatric patient
Bobby was hospitalized 6 days ago for appendicitis. After an appendectomy following a perforated appendix, he now has an open incision requiring BID dressing changes and contact isolation due to a hospital acquired MRSA infection. It is anticipated that he will be here for 5-10 more days for long term antibiotic therapy and wound care. He is 13 years old. He has been afebrile for 24 hours. The wound is open with minimal serious drainage.
He is withdrawn and relates “just tired” when you inquire about how he is this morning. Last week he shared his interest in school. Gets A’s in math, computer science and was supposed to be competing in the school science fair this week.
1. What do you know about the adolescent and the appropriate developmental level?
2. Keeping his diagnosis in mind, what about visitation?
3. Is socialization a need?
4. What other questions should you ask?
Link to preoperative Teaching:
1. What stage of development is this child in?
2. What are the potential adverse outcomes for a child who doesn’t solve the crisis in this stage of development?
3. Describes THREE nursing considerations with rationales keeping in mind client-centered care regarding communication, play, and fear for Bobby during this hospitalization.
4. Describes THREE questions the nurse should ask Bobby that are written as the nurse would say them and developmentally appropriate.
5. Based on the information in the Discussion the student correctly identifies ONE nursing diagnosis (and all required parts) AND identifies ONE goal written in the SMART format.
6. The paper is At LEAST 500 words and less than 600 words.
7. The student uses peered review scholarly articles and lists all references in text and in the reference page.