Posted: March 5th, 2022
C++ Programming
This assignment is taken from the Bridges people, and can be found here – The documentation in that link is broken, here is the API information for SLelement: For ElementVisualizer: One letter grade will be given for each of these bullet points you do: 1) Get your linked list visualized on the BRIDGES web site (this basically involves just getting your credentials plugged in and not breaking anything) For the next ones, you must loop over the linked list (keep getting getNext() until you get a null pointer) and get the data of each node in the linked list using getVisualizer() to get a pointer to the ElementVisualizer in it. 2) You must change the size of each earthquake visualized based on the magnitude of the earthquake. It should scale from size 10 with a magnitude 1 to a size 20 with a 5.0 or up. (So a magnitude 3 would be size 15.) 3) You must change the shape of each earthquake to a diamond if it is in Alaska or a plus if it is in Hawaii 4) You must change the color of it based on the magnitude: Magnitude <= 1.0 quakes – blue Magnitude 1.1 to 1.9 quakes – green Magnitude 2.0 to 2.9 quakes – yellow Magnitude 3.0 to 3.9 quakes – orange Magnitude 4.0 to 4.9 quakes – red Magnitude 5.0 and up quakes – purple 5) Output the mean, median, and mode (for mode round to nearest whole number) for the earthquake data Sample output for a run (your username and project name will be different, don’t worry, the autograder will ignore): Success: Assignment posted to the server. Check out your visualization at: AVERAGE = 2.2298 MEDIAN = 1.72 MODE = 1 You can run my sample executable in /public/bridges_earthquake/a.out to verify your program is giving equivalent output. There is no autograder or inputfiles otherwise.