Posted: May 1st, 2022
BUSS5307 Individual Case Study
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BUSS5307 Individual Case Study
Peter Winterton, Director of Marketing Research for a large research firm, has a Bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of South Australia. He is a typical research analyst and often works as a consultant for businesses wanting to expand into new markets.
He is asked to interview an executive from an Australian fast-food restaurant chain, Eats-R-Wee. Located in New South Wales, Eats-R-Wee is expanding. The logical two choices for expansion are to other states within Australia or to the nearest geographic neighbor, New Zealand. During the initial interview, Ms Elisa Simmons, Vice President of Operations for Eats-R-Wee, makes several points to Peter.
• “Peter, we are all set to move across to New Zealand and begin our international expansion with our close neighbor. Can you provide research findings that will support this position?”
• “Peter, we are in a hurry. We can’t sit on our hands for weeks waiting to make this decision. We need a comprehensive research report completed by the end of the week.”
• “We are interested in how our competitors will react. Have you ever done research for them?”
1. For each of the statements made by Ms Simmons (see the three dot points above);
a. Identify the ethical issues that Peter needs to consider in his response
b. Use the concepts introduced in the course to explain these issues and why they are important.
In answering this question, you need to draw on the ethical issues introduced in Topic 4. These concepts were introduced, but you’ll need to do some further research to explain and apply them. Make sure you find credible support for these ethical issues. Don’t use the course slides as support/references.
2. a. Suggest at least 3 credible secondary data sources Peter can use in order to be able to describe the current state of the fast-food market in Australia. You need to provide data sources, rather than specific articles/reports.
b. Describe what data Peter can gather from each of these sources.
3. Online or at the library, search for information about recent trends (i.e., most recent years, 2014-2022) in fast-food sales in Australia.
• Make sure you begin by describing the fast-food industry in Australia (define the industry, how big it is, etc).
• Then identify and discuss any trends happening between 2014-2022. The focus of this question is on trends during 2014-2022.
In answering questions 2 and 3 consider course material in Topic 2 (Credible sources and literature review) Topic 4 (Ethics in research and decision making) and Topic 6 (Use of secondary data in business decisions).
• Make sure you’re aware of all assignment requirements (e.g., introduction is required), as per the feedback sheet.
• Each question is of equal value, so a similar word count is recommended.
• Make sure you use headings in your assignment. Each question needs a numbered heading. All information relevant to one response must be provided before moving on to the next response.
Research for Business Decision Making (BUSS 5397)
Assignment 2 Part A – Research based decision making case study (individual)
Weighting 45%
Word length 1,600 words
Key Assignment criteria Weighting
Introduction— a brief introduction (no more than 250 words) that summarises the issues highlighted in the case. 10%
• Issues/problems identified in the case are succinctly described
Detailed response to each question included in the case — a detailed response to each question is provided. 75%
• There is a clear structure to the response section (Each question has a numbered heading, so it is clear which question is being responded to. All information relevant to one response is provided before moving to the subsequent question)
• The response is supported by relevant arguments or research evidence drawing on academic literature and the required readings in the course.
References and referencing — a list of all material directly referred to in the response (A minimum of 5 academic references from A*, A or B journals are expected in this assessment).
• 5 academic references.
• The references are directly referred to in the case study response and are relevant to the arguments
• Uses Harvard-UniSA referencing style in in-text citations
• Uses Harvard-UniSA referencing style in reference list
Grade & summary comment