Posted: September 5th, 2023
Business Communication Critical Analysis
Assignment # 05 Business Communication Topic: short / informal reports categories and formats of reports IN RESPECT OF: Sir Hamid Nawaz Sb. SUBMITTED BY: MUHAMMAD JAVED IQBAL AISH MBA 1st Semester Section (A) DEPARTMENT OF ADMINSTRATIVE SCIENCES QUAID-I-AZAM UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD What is report? An orderly and objective communication of factual information that serves a business purpose. What is short report? The short report consists of a title page and the report text normally. Like most of the less formal report forms, the short report may be organized in either the direct order or indirect order.
But the direct order is more common. This plan begins with a quick summary of report including the conclusions and recommendations. Because many organization heavily depend upon the short reports. There are many varieties written for the different purposes. Some companies have their particular report forms. There are many types of short reports but we will define three of them only, as follows: 1. Routine operational reports: The majority of the reports written within the companies are routine reports that informs to the supervisors, top managers and other employees of the organization about the company’s all activities.
These reports can be for daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. It depends upon the work nature that if sufficient task like all the policy making rules have to define then it will be in more concise form that every one can understand easily. For the various purposes we can use this form of report. For example the production data, the data of loyal customers etc. The formation of this type of repot varies from company to company and managers to manager. The content / format of this report: ? The name comes from the fact that what is inside the report and it must be written with in 15 minutes.
That’s why we define its name first of all so that this name clearly defined the required information efficiently and on time. Most of the organizations define some standard for the short operation report because managers don’t have sufficient time to write on the daily or monthly basis by defining its whole format. So they define a standard that these contents must include in the report so that reader can understand easily. ? The findings of a particular sample must be given in a chronological order so that readers can understand quickly.
And must use the appropriate headings if required any. ? In the end of routine report just put the summary, which may include or not according to the data required. 2. Progress reports: This report review progress on an activity. This report focuses on the progress toward a specific goal. If someone is working on a project under the supervision of a boss then he or she must have to write a progress report for that project to his or her immediate boss or manager to show the progress of that project that work is on the track.
Progress report can be formal or informal depending on the work nature. But most are informal and narrative. And one important factor which must use in this report that is subject i. e. “I” or “we”. If we are using the word “I” in the progress report that “I have done all this” then it shows really negative behavior and “we” shows the best motivation tool in the progress report. The format / content of this report: ? Describe the purpose and nature of the project first. ? Present a summary of work already completed. Describe work currently in the progress including personnel, methods. ? Forecast future activities related to the project. ? In the end include recommendations and request. 3. Recommendation reports: A recommendation report is a detailed report submitted to readers who are usually in a high management position, like as, supervisors, top managers, head of departments, buyers of company, and elected officials, to accept or reject the writer’s plan or choose from among their recommendations. Purpose of the recommendation report:
The main purpose and theme of this report is to present a carefully created, well-supported proposal for application of the research which we have conducted. The report will define ways to apply findings to the problem which we have investigated. If the report is accepted then it t can lead to improve functioning conditions, a more competent and cost-effective business or supplementary jobs. Format of the recommendation report: Her we use report format, not memo or letter format. And important thing, here is, that we have make sure of using headings and number the pages of the report.
The length will vary based on the number of headings, the size and number of visuals, and other design features. Contents of recommendation report: ? Introduction of report: The opening of this report should be interesting so that it actually represents what it follows. ? Methods of report: We have to explain all the gathered data so that its primary purpose was to understand the background of the problem, not to get solutions. ? Summary of the secondary research: Here we have to consider what has been done before to address that problem, and to recommend solutions. ? Analysis of Survey Findings:
This section is important due to its survey factor because here we define the findings obtained from the primary and secondary research. ? Feedback: We conclude from the gathered data and implement to solve the problem. ? Recommendations: Recommendation shows that how readers can transform their particular action into actions. ? Closing: Goodwill tone is much important and must be closed in form of solving the problem. Short reports format: Short report formats are the design of the report that defines which contents of the reports are included and which contents are described more or not.
Simply the format of a report shows the outline of a whole report either of short or long. There are different formats of the short reports which are as follows, but here we have to define three of them only: • Letter format • Memo format • Report format • Prepared forms 1. Letter Format: The reports in the forms of letter are known as the letter format reports. These formats are normally used when writers have to send information to outsiders in informal form. Means these reports are used to present information to person outside the organization.
For writing a report in a letter format these instructions can be followed: • We write the name and organization information in the upper left corner of the page with date. Under these three things you have to write the name of the recipient and his title and company address. • After writing salutation we present the information about the important contents of the report. • Then give reason why we are writing a report. Here we need more information to clarify our readers about the report. • In the end provide the conclusion and recommendation. • Friendly closing is also necessary.
So use those words which create the goodwill. • And write name below the four lines after closing with signatures. 2. Memo Format: These formats are normally used when writers have to send information within the organization. Means these reports are used to present information to person inside the organization. A memo is used to persuade people to take some action or to give feedback on a specific matter. Word “Memo” is also called as “memorandum”. Memo can be formal and informal as well. Memo is written in a very simple tone that easy to understand. Memo must be short and specific.
In memo the following things are important to note: • Try to identify the audience to whom we are writing. • Write the name of sender and receiver in a memo. • Purpose of writing a memo must be given with the subject. • Give suggestions for the help of readers. • Present the recommendation with some arguments. • Closing with creation of goodwill. 3. Short report format: Short reports formats are used to give some particular information and also have different reasons and purposes of writing in terms of managers and employees. So the contents of the short reports are: Write the title of the report very first • Mention the name of that person to whom we are writing • Mention the name who is writing • Mention the date also • Short reports include terms of references which show basically the main contents of the reports. • Define the methodology of the report • Conclusion shows the overview of the whole report. • And in the end we present the recommendations to take actions if necessary. References: www. google. com www. osun. org www. scribd. com www. wikihow. org ———————————————————