Posted: February 24th, 2022
Business Administration Essay
Chuddar, Coordinator of ABA program, for roving me the golden opportunity to do the internship at Citizen’s Bank International Limited Gorham Branch, as per the requirement for the course of ABA. I would like to appreciate Mr.. Susan Ham, Branch Manager of CIVIL, Gorham Branch for providing environment for doing the work as assigned us. Similarly, I would like to express a deep sense of gratitude to Mr.. Shamble Kari, Office in Charge for monitoring our work in the bank. I would like to indebted thank for Pippin Pouted, Credit and Marketing Officer for providing the overview of loan process and marketing.
At the same time I would like o sincerely thank to Mr.. Argue Sahara Junior Assistance of CIVIL Gorham who has facilitated us for working properly in the SD. He taught us how to deal with the customers and develop the level of confidence in front of others similarly I would like to appreciate Mr.. Shill Poker, Trainee Assistance for providing us the experience about the teller cash management in the bank. Finally I would like to express thank for all the staff of the CIVIL Gorham Branch for behaving very friendly and we are treated like the family of the bank.
Violator International college Is running ABA since U Tort ten TLS tell In M esters region. Established by the exe-British Army which is running Gorky International Higher Secondary School in Gorham and Gorky Public in Tulips Dang. The Gorky Education group is working in various sectors like as Health and Education Sector Successfully from past years. Victoria International College is affiliated by Pokka University and running three batches in Gorham Aloha’s Dang and is also in process of recruiting the fourth batches. Pokka University has made the course of internship in 6th semester for the degree of ABA.
For the period of 2 months I was placed in the CIVIL Gorham Branch. This report includes the activities performed at the cash department. This section includes the details of the cash receipt, cash payment, mobile bill payment, ABS, queue clearance, etc. The report also includes the experience gained in marketing for the bank and the problems encountered during the internship period. This report has been prepared by self observation and the collection of secondary reports. The CIVIL Gorham has greatly captured its target market. At the starting it was very weak and now it is being very strong performer bank of Gorham.
It is increasing its customer day by day. The customers are also satisfied by the service provided by the bank. Its deposit and lending is also in increasing tendency. For financial institution the earning is the deviation between the deposit interest to be paid and the interest earned by lending, and those incomes which generates from the operational activities (The charge for cheeses, ATM issuance, SMS banking, ABS Charges, Money Transfer Charge, etc) Increasing of lending is also not good for bank due to the risk of collection. So the bank is able to collect almost interest of the lending which is very good indicators for bank.