Posted: April 9th, 2022
Business Administration
Guidelines for Term Paper (Research Report) Worth 500 points (half of your grades)
General Information
1. The total length of the report should be approximately 10-12 pages.
(This includes the Cover Page, Transmittal Letter, Table of Contents/Illustrations, **Executive Summary, Introduction, the Body, Conclusions, Recommendation, and the Citation Page.)
2. The body of your report should be between 1500 to 1700 words (4-5 pages),
excluding the Executive Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations.
3. Double space report.
4. Pages should be numbered as follows:
Use roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v, so on for Cover Page (no number on first page), Transmittal Letter,
and Table of Contents/Illustrations. From thereon, beginning with the Introduction page, begin with 1, 2, 3,4, and so on.
5. On the cover sheet, include the following information:
a. The title of your paper
b. Your professor’s name
c. Your name
d. The title of this class
e. Date
** Submit Executive Summary Separately
*****Important: In addition to the main part of your report (the Body), your paper must include a transmittal letter (create a letterhead), Table of Contents, Table of Illustrations (if applicable), Introduction, Conclusion, Recommendations, and a Citation Page.
The paper will be graded on the following:
1. All the components mentioned above need to be included in your paper.
2. Your introduction must be clear and concise.
3. Each paragraph should contain one main point or thought.
4. Under each heading or reader cue, the material should be related.
5. Reader cues (headings) must be short and concise.
6. Good transition from paragraph to paragraph.
7. Appropriate usage of graphs or tables if necessary.
8. Content and/or Analysis.
a. The problem statement needs to be reiterated in the Transmittal Letter, Executive Summary,
and in the Introduction.
b. Analysis and support of information follows the Introduction.
8. Grammar and punctuation
a. End of sentence punctuation (avoid run-on sentences, comma splices, fragments, etc.)
b. Agreement of subject and verb (verb forms and verb tense)
c. Avoid spelling errors
9. Use of apostrophe s and the suffix – es
10. Use of quotation marks for all quoted words
11. Proper sentence sense (no words omitted, scrambled, or incomprehensible). (Do Spellcheck).
Bibliography and citations
1. Proper citation for all sources (quote or cite anything borrowed from another author)
2. For citations, use the APA style
3. At least 3 cited sources (may be internet, books, and academic research sites)
Term Paper Guidelines (Research Report) 500 points are available (half of your grades)
Information in General
1. The entire length of the report should be between 10 and 12 pages.
(This includes the Cover Page, Transmittal Letter, Table of Contents/Illustrations, **Executive Summary, Introduction, the Body, Conclusions, Recommendation, and the Citation Page.)
2. The body of your report should be 1500 to 1700 words long (4-5 pages),
excluding the Executive Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations.
3. Double space report.
4. Pages should be numbered as follows:
Use roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v, so on for Cover Page (no number on first page), Transmittal Letter,
and Table of Contents/Illustrations. From thereon, beginning with the Introduction page, begin with 1, 2, 3,4, and so on.
5. On the cover