Posted: February 21st, 2023
Building Healthcare Apps
There are two parts to this project. Be sure to read both sections for full credit.
Part 1: App Reviews
Using a smartphone or tablet device, download and explore two healthcare apps. In your report, include a summary of what the app does, what restrictions it has, the intended audience, and what unique features it boasts. To find some example apps, check the following links. (Links to an external site.)
Android apps: (Links to an external site.)
Part 2: App Creation
Create a prototype of a healthcare app on a topic of your choice. To begin, check out one of the following links:
Bubble: (Links to an external site.)
Appmachine: (Links to an external site.)
AppyPie: (Links to an external site.)
Create a visual prototype of your potential app and include at least 3 screenshots of what it looks like. Using Word or PowerPoint, include annotations to highlight what the intended functionality of your app is.
• Submit your App Review report (300 words minimum) and your app mockup in one document
• Submit to Turnitin by Sunday 11:59 p.m. ET
• Worth 5% of total course grade
You are expected to write primarily in your own voice, using paraphrase, summary, and synthesis techniques when integrating information from class and outside sources. Use an author’s exact words only when the language is especially vivid, unique, or needed for technical accuracy. Failure to do so may result in changes of Academic Dishonesty.
Overusing an author’s exact words, such as including block quotations to meet word counts, may lead your readers to conclude that you lack appropriate comprehension of the subject matter or that you are neither an original thinker nor a skillful writer.
Building Healthcare Apps
There are two parts to this project. Be sure to read both sections for full credit.
Part 1: App Reviews
Using a smartphone or tablet device, download and explore two healthcare apps. In your report, include a summary of what the app does, what restrictions it has, the intended audience, and what unique features it boasts. To find some example apps, check the following links. (Links to an external site.)
Android apps: (Links to an external site.)
Part 2: App Creation
Create a prototype of a healthcare app on a topic of your choice. To begin, check out one of the following links:
Bubble: (Links to an external site.)
Appmachine: (Links to an external site.)
AppyPie: (Links to an external site.)
Create a visual prototype of your potential app and include at least 3 screenshots of what it looks like. Using Word or PowerPoint, include annotations to highlight what the intended functionality of your app is.
• Submit your App Review report (300 words minimum) and your app mockup in one document
• Submit to Turnitin by Sunday 11:59 p.m. ET
• Worth 5% of total course grade
You are expected to write primarily in your own voice, using paraphrase, summary, and synthesis techniques when integrating information from class and outside sources. Use an author’s exact words only when the language is especially vivid, unique, or needed for technical accuracy. Failure to do so may result in changes of Academic Dishonesty.
Overusing an author’s exact words, such as including block quotations to meet word counts, may lead your readers to conclude that you lack appropriate comprehension of the subject matter or that you are neither an original thinker nor a skillful writer.