Posted: November 28th, 2022
BSN 415 Opportunity, power, and proportion
BSN 415
“Opportunity, power, and proportion are the three major work empowerment structures within the organization” (Marquis, 2017). To be a transformational leader, you must learn how to use these structures effectively.
You can empower yourself and others by seizing the right opportunities at the right time. We must encourage one another to learn and grow in our fields. When appropriate, we should encourage our staff to serve as charge nurses, preceptors, and middle managers. Good opportunities come to those who pursue them.
We must learn to effectively use the power we have. This is a learned behavior that must be followed. When you understand your own limitations, you will be a more effective and well-liked leader. Whatever authority you have should be used to improve the effectiveness of your employees and units. You must never use your power to advance your own agenda at the expense of the greater good. We are all members of a team, and we must all work together.
Many nurses struggle with effectively dividing their time between work and personal life. We take an oath to help others, and it is difficult to walk away in stressful situations. During the pandemic, we all had to work harder and longer hours with fewer resources. It was extremely difficult to maintain a healthy work/life balance. We are now encouraging our employees to devote whatever time they can to re-centering this relationship. You will not perform well if you are unhappy at work. We’ve all seen the consequences of professional burnout. Encouragement of time off has been beneficial in increasing nursing staff retention.
“An employee’s perception of his or her level of empowerment influences job satisfaction and is influenced by access to information, support, and resources” (Gottlieb, 2021). This is something I believe. You will be a very effective transformational leader if you have good communication with your staff, help them when they need it, and get them the tools they need to do their jobs better.
L. Gottlieb, B. Gottlieb, and V. Bitzas (2021). Creating empowering conditions for nurses with workplace autonomy and agency: how strengths-based nursing and healthcare leadership can guide healthcare leaders 169-181 in Journal of Healthcare Leadership.
B. Marquis, RN, MSN, and C. Huston, RN, MSN, DPA, FAAN. (2017). Leadership and management roles in nursing theory and practice (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
A transformational leader is someone who is dedicated to their profession, has a vision for the future, and can inspire others to share that vision. “The need for transformational leaders in nursing and health care is clearly evident,” Davis (2021) states, “given that it is particularly effective in the turbulent and uncertain times we currently are experiencing.” Because of the ever-increasing complexity of health care and looming nurse leader retirements, preparing future transformational nursing leaders among nursing students is critical.”
Individuals begin planning their career development long before they decide to attend nursing school. Following graduation, the organization for which they begin working is critical in assisting with their nursing career development. “Organizations have some responsibility to assist employees with their career development,” writes Marquis (2021). (pg. 271). Support and encouragement are two strategies that an organization can use to empower leaders and managers. Current leaders must recognize talent and encourage employees to advance up the corporate ladder. Leaders and managers must possess a set of skills in order to be successful in their roles. Continuous competency assessments and mandatory continuing education keep nurses current and help them to exceed the minimum level of competency (Marquis & Huston, 2021). Second, transformational leaders can be empowered through inspirational motivation. Inspiring employees to think beyond their career expectations can provide them with the impetus they require to take the leap into a leadership role. Finally, intellectual stimulation can stretch the mind and improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
J. H. Davis (2021). Developing Future Transformational Leaders 712 in the Journal of Nursing Education, 60(12).
B. L. Marquis and C. J. Huston (2021). Leadership and management roles in nursing: Theory and practice Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA.
Students, you have learned many concepts that will help you in formal and informal leadership roles, as well as continue to socialize you into nursing practice and the profession as a whole. Please consider and respond (*note: for top box points in the rubric’s participation criteria, response required) to the following question as reflective practitioners:
• What does empowerment entail for you?
• Marquis, B. L., and C. J. Huston (2021). Leadership and management roles in nursing: Theory and practice Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA (CITE THIS BOOK)