Posted: April 20th, 2022
BSM017: Finance for Managers
Academic Year: 2021-22 Semester: 2
Module Title: Finance for Managers
Module Number: BSM017
Coursework No: 2
Weighting: 20%
Submission Deadline:
Date and Time
13th April at 13.00hrs (BST)
Note that you are required to complete discussion forums throughout the module for this piece of coursework. The submission deadline is for the final Portfolio.
NB Coursework received after the specified date and time will be regarded as late. Late submissions will not normally be
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed: 4
Coursework Type: Portfolio
Module Co-ordinator Amanda Meyer
Coursework Title: Finance for Managers Individual Portfolio
There are two mandatory summative assessments that determine the grade for this module. This coursework brief covers the second assessment piece.
Both summative assessments should be submitted at the same time, using one document per element – and should be uploaded to Moodle by 13th April 2022. You should write in academic style presenting a coherent argument in response to the questions set. Harvard referencing should be used throughout as consistent with University guidelines.
For each assessment piece, you should include a one-page front cover with your name, matriculation number, the title of your work (as above), the module name and code as well as the final word count. You should include calculations to the financial sections within the body of your report and please note that calculations do not contribute to your wordcount.
Word count for this assessment is considered to be critical. The specified word limit for this second assessment piece is 1,500 words. An additional 10% tolerance will be allowed on top of the specified word limit. If you exceed the specified word limit by more than 10%, a penalty will be applied.
For explanation of elements which are included and excluded from the word limit, and associated penalties for exceeding the specific word limit, please refer to the Aberdeen Business School Word Limits Statement which is provided on the Module Study Area on CampusMoodle.
You should include a one-page front cover with your name, matriculation number, the title of your work (as stated above), the module name and code, as well as the final word count, with each evaluation item. Calculations for the financial sections should be included in the body of your report; however, please keep in mind that calculations do not count toward your word count.
The word count for this assessment is considered to be extremely important for accuracy. The word limit for this second evaluation work is 1,500 words, according to the guidelines. On top of the given word limit, an additional ten percent tolerance will be permitted. In the event that you exceed the given word limit by more than 10%, you will be subject to a penalty.
Please refer to the Aberdeen Business School Word Limits Statement, which can be found in the Module Study Area on CampusMoodle, for an explanation of the elements that are included and excluded from the word limit, as well as the associated penalties for exceeding the specific word limit set forth in the statement.
Criteria for Assessment:
See attached marking schedule.
Instructions for submission:
Online submission through the drop box within Moodle.
Academic Honesty:
It is your responsibility to ensure that your work conforms to the requirements for academic honesty. The details below are a brief reminder of what constitutes academic dishonesty/cheating.
You may lose marks if you do not cite sources accurately. If you fail to reference sources properly, the effect is to misrepresent the amount of work done. Passing someone else’s work off as your own is plagiarism.
Plagiarism (i.e. presenting the thoughts or writings of others as your original work, without properly identifying and referencing the source), is unacceptable behaviour and will be regarded as a serious breach of Regulations by the School and the University. This includes copying part or all of a dissertation, copying from another student’s work, or the un-attributed quotation of even a single sentence written by another author. Remember you are required to sign a declaration that you have acknowledged all quotations and all sources of information.
Falsification or fabrication of data
This is another form of cheating. If there are doubts about the authenticity of your work, for example the results of a questionnaire, you may be required to provide documentary evidence as proof. Any materials which have been used in the production of your work such as completed questionnaires, letters, computer files, etc., should be retained by you (the student) as evidence until you have received your final award. Staff may wish to review and consider your data set in the light of the work submitted.
If two or more students work together, without prior approval, to produce the same piece of work, and then attempt to present this as entirely their own work, or if one student permits another to copy his/her work, it will be considered that an offence has been committed by all concerned.
Please visit the University Website for more details on Academic Regulations
Fit to sit policy:
Please note the University operates a fit-to-sit policy. Full details of this can be found in the Fit-to-sit learning experience tab at the top of the module page, or on the following link:
Please make sure you are familiar with this policy and if, for any reason, you are unable to submit your assessment on time, you should refer to this policy and seek guidance from the module co- ordinator/Programme Lead.
Coursework assessment 2 for the academic year 2021/2022
Final Submission date 13 April 2022, 13.00 BST (Moodle drop box)
To complete the final portfolio that is required for Assessment 2, you are required to contribute regularly to discussion forums throughout the module, before creating and submitting a final portfolio of 1,500 words.
There will be 5 discussion forum questions posted during the module which you are required to engage with. Relevant posts will include “For Portfolio” in the title of the post. The questions will be included in the following topics:
Topic 3 – Working Capital Management
Topic 4 – Introduction to Management Accounting, Cost Terminology and Fundamentals
Topic 5 – Budgetary Control
Topic 8 – Relevant Costing
Topic 10 – Investment Risk
Requirement one:
For each of the 5 discussion forum questions posted, write a short response (maximum of six lines) within 2 weeks of the date of the forum post. Provided you have engaged with the topic material, this should take you no more than 10 or 15 minutes and is not required to be referenced. You have been placed into a discussion forum group – and will see only the posts in your group. You are encouraged to comment on each other’s posts.
The forum posts will not be ‘marked’. However, the module teaching group will keep a track of involvement to ensure your resulting portfolio is an accurate reflection of your activity. At the end of the two-week period the module teaching group will provide a response to each group as a whole.
Requirement two:
You are required to submit a portfolio on 13th April, 13.00 GMT, which should include the following:
Two 500-word essays: for two of the responses that you gave to the discussion forums, develop your answer into a 500-word essay. You should ensure your essays draw upon module content, are developed further by readings of your own and are referenced appropriately.
One 500-word reflection piece: in this piece you should explain why you chose the two discussion forum topics that you have written about and why you excluded the remaining three; your experiences (including benefits and challenges) of writing your portfolio and your view as to how the experience of writing the portfolio contributed to your learning. References may be included if appropriate.
BSM017: Finance for Managers – Marking Grid Component 2 (20% of total module grade)
Outstanding Performance
Meritorious Performance
Highly Competent Performance