Posted: October 14th, 2022
brief descripiton to introduce reder to situation
LEARN REflection
1. Look back: brief descripiton to introduce reder to situation (10%)
refelct on scenario/ situational learning from module
2. Elaborate and describe: expansion of details and requires reflection (15%)
What happened during the situation.
How did you feel and how do you think others felt?
What were the outcomes?
Were you surprised by what happened during the event or did it turn out as you expected?
3. Analyze: This should be a critical analysis of the issue. Compare and contrast what you have learned from the situation and literature (articles/textbooks) by integrating theory from the articles/textbooks. YOU NEED TO HAVE SCHOLARLY EVIDENCE HERE (40%)
Identify key issues clearly.
Review why the situation turned out the way it did.
Why did you feel or react the way you did, and why did others feel/ react that way?
If the situation or outcomes were not what you expected, consider how you could improve on them next time.
This is an opportunity to really question your beliefs and assumptions and ask yourself what you value. It is also an opportunity to integrate, compare and understand the knowledge you have gained from your nursing practice in relation to nursing theory. Take this opportunity to request feedback from others.
4. Revise approach: This might involve asking others for ideas for dealing with the situation next time, or how to work on a learning need. With your new learning, you may decide to try a new approach, learn more about the subject, or decide that you handled the situation very well. (15%)
Based on your review of the situation and relevant literature identify what was important and decide how or if you will change your approach.
What should be preserved in future situations?
Is there anything that should be changed and how?
5. New Perspective (trial): Discuss how you would incorporate your new learning into action. (10%)
This may require anticipating or creating a situation in which you can then try out your new approach
6. Academic Wrtting and APA format
2 pages (introduction and reflection) not including references, title page and reference page
Word processed double spaced, times new roman, 12 font, 2.5 cm margin
Title Page
Reference Page with 2 course resources
Intext citation 2 course resources