Posted: February 19th, 2022
Breast cancer
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Breast cancer
“Breast Cancer.” Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
This reference provides a definition of breast cancer and the symptoms and potential individuals at the risk of contracting the disease. According to the article, breast cancer occurs when the gene responsible for controlling cell growth fails to function properly leading to abnormal multiplication of cells in a woman’s breast. The characterized symptoms of breast cancer include nipple discharge and change in breast skin color among others explained in the article. The article also provides the relevance of screening for breast cancer.
“Join Me at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Events.” Making Strides Against Breast Cancer National | Breast Cancer Walk | Making Strides Against Breast Cancer,
The article elaborates the efforts taken by the New York City healthcare department in the fight against breast cancer. This reference is on how to raise money to assist the American Cancer Society to fight breast cancer and honor breast cancer society in New York.
“About Breast Cancer.” New York State Department of Health,
This journal from the department of health in New York City provides relevant information on what should people know concerning breast cancer. It explains that every woman is at risk of contracting breast cancer with the provision of factors that lead to the development of the disease. The journal also provides a mechanism for reducing the chances of getting breast cancer.
“Breast Cancer Data and Statistics.” New York State Department of Health,
This reference provides information on a statistic report on female breast cancer cases in New York City derived from the healthcare department in New York. The report also contains data on cancer survivors and mortality rate as provided in the National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER).
Home | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York,
This provides a report on the rate of breast cancer development in New York. The report released by the Kirsten Gillibrand indicates that over 14,000 women in New York are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. The rate of death due to this disease hits to over 3000 women every year with the Kings County being the leading in both disease development and death rates.
“New York State Breast Cancer Services.” Welcome to the State of New York, 20 Oct. 2017,
This reference provides breast cancer programs which aim at increasing awareness and screening of breast cancer in New York. The study material explains the role of the healthcare department, hospitals and legal bodies of New York in addressing breast cancer awareness and screening. It also provides appropriate financing strategies to provide affordable breast cancer screening services.
“Breast Cancer – DOHMH.” Welcome to | City of New York,
This study material addresses the issue of promoting and protecting the city health in New York City on breast cancer disease. The material provides the steps that can be taken to reduce the spread and development of breast cancer in the city. It also provides the best place to get a mammogram at an affordable cost to enhance breast cancer screening.
Hashim, Dana, et al. “Cancer incidence disparities in Upper Manhattan New York City neighborhoods.” the role of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and known risk factors, vol. 4, 1 July 2017, Accessed 29 Nov. 2018.
This study material examines the effects of race, ethnicity, neighborhood, and proxy of social-economic status on the incidences of cancer in New York City. It addresses the issue of breast cancer disparity among New York City neighborhoods with a specific outreach target of reducing the increasing rate of breast cancer incidences.