Posted: October 15th, 2022
Border Control Challenge on the war on drugs
Border Control Challenge on the war on drugs
Mexico is well-known for high-profile drug crimes.
Take a look at the NY Times series on the Drug War
or Breitbart’s (Yes, that one that you heard about) Cartel Chronicles
Mexico second deadliest, just behind Syria, ahead of Afghanistan & Iraq
Write a short paper (1 page minimum) on how U.S. and Mexican border controls are variously to blame for the drug war. Who is right?
Your essay will strive to meet these descriptors- – Effectively addresses significant issues in the natural and human world based on articulating one’s identity in a global context.
Evaluates and applies diverse perspectives to complex subjects within natural and human systems in the face of multiple and even conflicting positions (i.e. cultural, disciplinary, and ethical.)
Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems.
Takes informed and responsible action to address ethical, social, and environmental challenges in global systems and evaluates the local and broader consequences of individual and collective interventions.
Uses deep knowledge of the historic and contemporary role and differential effects of human organizations and actions on global systems to develop and advocate for informed, appropriate action to solve complex problems in the human and natural worlds.
Applies knowledge and skills to implement sophisticated, appropriate, and workable solutions to address complex global problems using interdisciplinary perspectives independently or with others.
Border Control Challenge on the war on drugs
The U.S. and Mexico border controls have negatively affected the war on drugs by allowing the trade to thrive at the expense of the American citizens. The border controls are tasks with the inspection and screening people and goods entering the US to ensure that contraband and drugs do not have access to the United States. On the contrary, the ineffectiveness and inefficiency at the border controls have acted as a barrier to the war on drug. The U.S. and Mexico border controls are ineffective in the war on drugs.
The increased corruption among the officers at the U.S. and Mexico border points have negat5ively affected the war on drugs. There is a strategic conspiracy between the corrupt partners to have drugs trafficked in the US (Basu, 2014). The officers are bribed by the drug cartels to the point that they allow the drug trade and trafficking across the United States. This approach has seen officers and agents at the border receive millions of dollars to allow drug trafficking. Therefore, border controls corruption is to blame for drug trafficking into the US.
The cross-border criminal activities, tension and violence have increased the drug trade thus adversely affecting the war on drugs (Basu, 2014). Different criminal activities take place at the border points resulting in conflict and violence among different parties such as the drug cartels and in the process drugs get their way in the US. Violence affects the coordination at the border points thus affecting the war on drugs.
Additionally, the vast US and Mexico border that stretches for 2000 miles affects the effective border controls thus creating loopholes from drug and human trafficking (Basu, 2014). The border stretches from Texas, New Mexico and in California thus presenting grounds for drug traffickers and cartels to implement their activities. This makes the officers at the border controls to effectively conduct screening and inspection and thus the drug trade and trafficking thrive.
In conclusion, the loose and ineffective border controls are to blame for the thriving drug trafficking and trade. In this regard, the drug trade across the border can thrive courtesy of corruption among agents and officers, criminal activities, violence and tension at the border points and the length of the border shared between the US and Mexico.
Basu, G. (2014). Combating illicit trade and transnational smuggling: key challenges for customs and border control agencies. World Customs Journal, 8(2), 15-26.