Posted: February 23rd, 2022
Book Review
The book you need for this assignment is Red State OR Big, Hot, Cheap, and Right (see the syllabus and announcements for more information)
For this assignment, you are read Red State and write a critical book review. This book has an ebook version and maybe an Audible recording.
Each review should be a MINIMUM of 1200 words and a MAXIMUM of 2400 words in length, typed, and double-spaced (papers below the minimum cannot earn an A on the assignment, and papers far below the minimum will have their grade on the assignment capped at what portion of the minimum length requirement is met. For example, a paper that is only 600 words long will receive a maximum score of 50. Use a standard 10- or 12-point font, and use 1” margins. The book review should be carefully written, thoroughly proofed, and represent your best college level effort.