Posted: October 27th, 2022
Book IV of the Aeneid ends in tragedy
Write three five-paragraph responses to THREE of the questions below. You may choose which three questions to answer. Each answer must be five paragraphs long and should function as a mini-essay. Your answers will be graded individually on a scale of 100 and then averaged together. That means you must complete three questions in order to pass the exam.
1. Book IV of the Aeneid ends in tragedy, as Dido kills herself and Aeneas sails away. Was Aeneas justified in leaving? Discuss your opinion from the point of view of the ancient Romans and then from the point of view of modern Americans. Be sure to reference specific lines from the poem in your answer.
2. Discuss the Trojan people from two viewpoints, Homer’s and Virgil’s. How does each understand the values associated with Troy and why do they differ? Do not discuss Achilles in your answer at all; he is NOT TROJAN. Discuss the Trojans from two perspectives: Homer’s and Virgil’s. How do they each understand Troy’s values, and why do they differ? Do not bring up Achilles in your response; he is NOT TROJAN.
3. Discuss at least two entities who could be held responsible for Oedipus’ incest. Should they be? Be sure to include a discussion of dramatic irony and double determination in your response.
4. We read two interesting articles about the relationship of the classics to the modern world; one about civic duty and propaganda and one about race in the classics. Choose one of those articles. Then write a response in which you agree or disagree with one of the positions articulated there.
Here are the parameters for your midterm. I apologize that I need to spell these out, but COVID has ushered in additional concerns about academic honesty. There’s no need to cheat on this exam. rrn fascinated by YOUR opinion; believe me, I’ve heard Sparknotes’ take on the poem for a LONG, long time. So:
• You must use specific quotations from the poem or play in each of your responses. • You may use material from our classroom lectures, our thread summaries, your classmates postings, or any other resources ON BLACKBOARD. Cite the relevant material In your answer. (e.g. Thread 1, Homework 5, Julia’s response) or (Dr. Carsley’s Week 2 lecture). • You may NOT use external research sources except those which I have assigned via Blackboard. If you do, your answer will be flagged by the SafeAssign software and you will not receive credit for your answer. No CHEGG, Wikipedia, Sparknotes, or other Internet materials areallowed. • You may not collaborate with your classmates on your answers. Your answers should be your own individual work. Collaboration will also be flagged by the College’s SafeAssign software. • If I have a question about your academic integrity, I reserve the right to call you and question you about your exam via in-person interview. You should be prepared and confident to explain your answer orally to me during that discussion.
If you violate these parameters, you will receive a grade of “0” on your midterm. The Academic Code of Conduct for the College is in full effect.
Upload your responses in MLA format as a .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file by Oct. 26 at midnight. Call or email with questions!