Posted: January 18th, 2023
BM9706 Module Title: Marketing Metrics and Analysis
Programme: MSc Digital Marketing; MSc Business with Analytics
Module Code: BM9706
Module Title: Marketing Metrics and Analysis
Distributed on: Teaching Week 1 (via the e-learning portal)
Submission Process, Time and Date: 4,000 Words Business Report – submitted electronically via the e-Learning Portal: Click on the tab titled, “Summative Assessment” on the spine of the site, and follow through to the link titled, “Submission – BM9706 Summative Assessment” – NOTE: this link will be accessible to students only after teaching week 12. *Please only submit your final version of the assignment (main report + appendices and references) as a single MS Word or PDF document. *Please make sure to take a screen print or save the electronic confirmation of submission. Submission Deadline: Thursday 27th May 2021 – 11:59 a.m. It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment is submitted before the submission deadline stated above. A relevant extract of the University’s policy on late submission of work is included in this document.
Word Limit: 4,000 words (+ 10%)
Weighting 100%
This assessment is designed to assess the following Module Learning Outcomes:
MLO 1: Have developed a critical understanding of marketing metrics, evaluation, and analytics, particularly in the context of digital marketing. Marketing metrics, evaluation, and analytics are crucial for understanding the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and strategies, particularly in the context of digital marketing. With the proliferation of digital channels and platforms, it is more important than ever for marketers to be able to accurately measure and analyze the results of their campaigns.
There are a wide range of marketing metrics that can be used to evaluate the success of a campaign, such as reach, engagement, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value. These metrics can help marketers understand how well their campaigns are performing in terms of attracting and retaining customers, as well as how they compare to competitors.
Analytics tools and software, such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, can be used to track and analyze these metrics in real-time, allowing marketers to make data-driven decisions about their campaigns. For example, if a marketing campaign is not meeting its conversion rate goals, marketers can use analytics tools to identify the problem and make adjustments to improve performance.
In addition to tracking and analyzing marketing metrics, it is also important for marketers to be able to interpret and communicate the results of their campaigns to stakeholders. This requires a deep understanding of how to use data to tell a story and make informed recommendations for future marketing efforts.
A critical understanding of marketing metrics, evaluation, and analytics is essential for success in digital marketing. By being able to track and analyze the results of their campaigns, marketers can make informed decisions that drive business growth and success.
MLO 2: Develop appropriate analytical and critical evaluation skills to support organisational decision making for marketing.
MLO 3: Analyse and assess digital marketing strategies through deployment of relevant web/mobile analytical software and communicate the outcomes of this evaluation to a relevant business audience.
MLO 4: Make relevant decisions about taking forward or enhancing marketing campaigns based on this assessment and associated consultation.
The Brief: Google Merchandise Store
The Google Merchandise Store is an ecommerce site that sells Google-branded merchandise. They sell a mix of apparel, lifestyle products and stationery across the globe.
As one of the world’s largest companies (Statista, 2019), Google employs over 170,000 people. However, the Google Merchandise Store contributes a very small part of their overall revenue, generating around £4,000 revenue per month.
The CEO of the company, Sundar Pichai, is of the opinion that the company’s marketing strategy should try and improve merchandise sales in the future. He has recruited you as a consultant to carry out some digital marketing analysis and advise him on the digital marketing strategy of the Google Merchandise Store. Sundar has provided some specific details and instructions, which are set-out below, to guide your analysis.
Given its importance as a storefront, the Google Merchandise Store’s website should adhere to a high standard of accessibility and user experience (UX) in the retail industry. He feels that an accessibility and UX evaluation of his closest competitors’ websites would tell him what the industry benchmark is. This in turn will set the standard for improving his company’s website. You are required to carry out this accessibility and UX analysis on the top two players in the fashion/merchandise industry (based on your own evaluation) and report on the results of your analysis in comparison to the Google Merchandise Store. (10 marks)
Sundar would also like you to conduct some social listening into this industry, and report on the state of social media engagement, looking at most popular social networks, sentiment, influencers, engagement and content types. (10 Marks)
Sundar believes that quantitative metrics paint only part of the picture, and some qualitative analysis can yield insights, particularly into the mind of the target market. Accordingly, he would like you to conduct some sentiment analysis of social media comments (e.g. content or sentiment analysis), and report on the qualitative insights you have derived. (10 Marks)
In the next level of your analysis, you are required to assess the state of the Google Merchandise Store from a strategic digital marketing perspective. For this purpose, Sundar has given you access to the Google Merchandise Store’s Analytics account. You are expected to conduct a detailed analysis, querying the data as you see appropriate, and extract insights into the performance of The Google Merchandise Store. This analysis should be provided in the form of a Google Data Studio Report Dashboard, which should exceed no more than 5 pages and be attached as an appendix to your main report. You may also wish to supplement your Analytics data from other additional sources as you see fit. (35 Marks)
Having conducted several types and levels of analyses thus far, synthesise your key findings and provide recommendations for the next twelve months for Google Merchandise Store.
You are encouraged to focus your recommendations on such matters as:
Customer segments
User behaviour
Landing pages and exit pages
Search engine ranking positions
Allocation of advertising budget
Marketing channels
E-Commerce performance
You may also highlight any other direction of strategic development based on your findings. Present your recommendations with good justification and business-sense. (35 Marks)
Module Specific Assessment Criteria
Section of the Report 0 – 39% (Standard Not Met) 40 – 49% (Standard Not Met) 50 – 59% (Standard Met) 60 – 69% (Standard Met) 70 – 79% (Standard Exceeded) 80 – 89% (Standard Exceeded) 90 – 100% (Standard Exceeded)
Web-accessibility and UX analysis /20 Student fails to include an analysis covering all relevant points or shows no or little appreciation for appropriate usage of evaluation tools. A poor standard of analysis which is evident of only a cursory attempt that does not addresses all relevant points