Posted: April 20th, 2022
BM522 Project Management
Project Management
Module code and title:
BM522 Project Management
Module leader:
Eleftheria Panagiotopoulou
Assignment No. and type:
Assessment weighting:
Submission time and date:
Week 7 1st April
Target feedback time and date:
Task requirements
This coursework is a 1500 (+/- 10%) word report designed to assess learner’s ability to demonstrate an in depth knowledge and systematic understanding of project management theory and tools linked to the planning of projects.
Project Management – Bucks Student’s Union Music Festival
Case Study
Recently graduated, you have secured a Sabbatical Officer’s post with a student union called Bucks Students’ Union, a students’ representation organisation run by students for students to ensure students view on a wide range of topics and issue is expressed. And you have been assigned to assist the team which will project manage the hosting of a new musical festival at the local Town Hall this early autumn to celebrate the achievements of her Alumni.
Below is Table A, consisting of all the major tasks, dependencies and timescales required for each task.
Main Activities with Predecessors
Name of the Task
Budget Approval
1 day
Hire Publicity Director
14 days
Hire Set Designer
14 days
Hire Place For Auditions
7 days
Advertising To Hire Crew and Cast
7 days
Hire Production & Publicity Crew
28 days
4, 5
Set Designed and Built
42 days
Train Production Crew
12 days
Auditions To Hire Cast
2 days
4, 5
Cast Rehearsal
84 days
Hire Orchestra
7 days
7 days
Photograph Cast And Crew & Collect Biographies
35 days
6, 9,11
Enter Information Into Computer
1 day
5 days
Develop an Advertising Plan
7 days
Advertising Media
21 days
Orchestra rehearsal
4 days
Order Costumes
7 days
Costume Parade And Alterations
5 days
Dress Rehearsal
1 day
10 days
You are to assume that it is 15th of July 2018, the Monday of the first week of the project. While the project team is being formed, the Project Manager asks you to prepare a 1500 (+/-10%) word report to be with him on 12th November 2019 and which he can use to brief Bucks Students’ Union board and other senior managers of the University. The assignment tasks as follows – see the next page (pg.3)
The title of the report is ‘Bucks Students’ Union Music Festival case study’
Task 1
Compare and critically analyse any THREE project management methodologies/bodies of knowledge. Your analysis should consider the advantages and disadvantages of using these project management methodologies/bodies of knowledge in contemporary global projects. {30 MARKS}
Task 2
Develop a network diagram manually, AS TAUGHT (activities on arrows) clearly showing the relationship between all the activities listed above, the dependencies, the likely duration for each activity, the likely completion date (expected total project time). Calculate the earliest starting time, the latest starting time (EST,LST) and the earliest finishing time and latest finishing time (EFT, LFT) for each activity including an outline description of the critical path, highlighting the critical activities and the shortest possible time in days in which the project can be completed as scoped above (give reasons for your choice). [40 marks]
Task 3
Undertake a stakeholder analysis for this project. This should clearly identify internal and external stakeholder, group stakeholders according to their interest and power i.e. stakeholder management matrix, communication strategies, Using the activity list above, develop a clearly numbered Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for this music festival [20 marks]
Task 4
You are required to prepare a Risk Analysis for FIVE different risks that could affect your project. Analyse the risks involved and develop strategies for dealing with them. Present your Risk Analysis and Risk Management strategies/mitigations in the form of a table, AS TAUGHT, accompanied by a commentary of not more than 500 words. [10 marks]
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1
Analyse and critically evaluate project roles, principles, themes and processes using an appropriate industry standard methodology
LO 2
Plan project activities using networks and an appropriate project management software;
LO 3
Evaluate and explain the major factors and performance requirements of project management;
Referencing and research requirements
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the university library.
How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.
This assignment will be marked according to the grading criteria attached below
Submission details
This assignment should be submitted electronically. Please use the relevant submission point in the Submit your work area in your Blackboard module shell.
You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment.
You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website: In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations
Submission date and time
This assignment should be submitted before Week 7 1st April.
Work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be accepted as a late submission. Late submissions will be marked and the actual mark recorded but will be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard. Work submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.
Feedback and marks for this assignment will be available by TBC.
Marking Scheme
Conceptual Analysis of Methodologies
/Quality of report presentation
Excellent, high standard and logical analysis of three project management methodologies and bodies of knowledge
Excellent use of literature to support your analysis.
Excellent consideration and reflection on the use of methodologies/BoK in contemporary global projects
Use of strong examples to illustrate argument.
Excellent, high standard and logical critical discussion of the advantages and disadvantages; and Key performance Indicators (KPIs)
Excellent use of literature to support.
A well-structured report, with professional presentation, excellent readability and a good academic writing style. Figures and tables are titled and numbered. Table of contents is included.
Wide range of high quality references to support the discussion.
Very good analysis of three project management methodologies and bodies of knowledge
Very good use of literature to support your analysis.
Very good consideration and reflection on the use of methodologies/BoK in contemporary global projects
Good use of examples to support.
Very good critical discussion of the advantages and disadvantages; and Key performance Indicators (KPIs)
Good use of literature to support.
A good, logical structure is evident.
Presentation of the report and readability is very good.
Good references are used to support the discussion.
Good analysis of three project management methodologies and bodies of knowledge
Good of literature to support your analysis.
Good consideration of the use of methodologies/BoK in contemporary global projects
Use of examples to support.
Good critical discussion of the advantages and disadvantages; and Key performance Indicators (KPIs)
Use of literature to support.
Well structured.
Presentation of the report is good.
Some referencing is used to support discussion, with some grammar and spelling mistakes, but not significantly affecting readability.
Adequate. Some depth in the analysis of three project management methodologies and bodies of knowledge.
Adequate. Considers the use of methodologies/BoK in contemporary global projects
Adequate. Some depth in the evaluation of advantages and disadvantages; and Key performance Indicators (KPIs)
Structure of the report and presentation are satisfactory
Readability is adequate but some grammar issues. some misunderstanding; argument not following a clear thread, unconvincing where discernible, with little attempt to summarize the gist.
Limited referencing is used.
Inadequate. Addresses some areas but to insufficient depth in the analysis of any three project management methodologies and bodies of knowledge
Inadequate. Addresses some areas of similarity and differences but to insufficient depth in consideration of use of methodologies/ BoK in contemporary global projects
Inadequate. Addresses some areas advantages and disadvantages; and Key performance Indicators (KPIs) but to insufficient depth
Poor attempt made to follow a Business Report Format.
Unsatisfactory presentation of work, with some serious errors in grammar, spelling and overall clarity of document. Difficult to read/follow.
Some structure is evident but unclear.
Insufficient references to support.
Activity List, Network diagram, and Critical Path
Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values; Network Diagram neat and correct showing relationship between activities and their dependencies; Critical Path clear & correct; Excellent calculation of Activity EST & LST as well as EFT & LFT for each activity. Project duration shortened to reflect new completion date and new critical path identified. Approach used to shorten duration of project cleared justified, readable and well analysed. All resources identified for each activity.
Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values; Network Diagram good with some errors in calculation on ES & LST as well as EFT & LFT. Critical Path correct. Project duration shortened to reflect new completion date and new critical path identified. Few errors at clearly justifying approach used to shorten duration of project.
Largely correct Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values; the relationship between activities and their dependencies; Network diagram largely correct some calculations. Critical Path identified. Project duration shortened to reflect new completion date. This reflecting in a new network diagram showing new critical path.
Attempt made to justify approach used to shorten duration of project but with significant mistakes.
Network Diagram contains some anomalies; CP largely correct; OR Network diagram presented in MS Project format. Some questionable logic on project duration shortened, with some attempt to draw a new network diagram showing new critical path
Network Diagram illogical and critical path (CP) not identified or incorrect. Approach used to shorten project duration not shown, no new network diagram, no new critical path identified
Stakeholder Analysis, WBS and Risk Analysis (30%)
Comprehensive, believable and logical with good use of PM theory and concepts Completes stakeholder analysis to a high standard; identified internal and external stakeholders, their interest and power, established communication plan for all stakeholders group identified. Excellent complete, correct and detailed WBS/PBS.
Good but the justification for stakeholder analysis elements may not be clear. However identified internal and external stakeholders, their interest and power and communication strategy missing. Complete and correct WBS.
Completes the following stakeholder analysis: identified internal and external stakeholders, their interest and power at least to a satisfactory standard: Good WBS, complete, but query on content/logic.
Completes at least 3 of the following: identified stakeholders, grouped them into internal and external stakeholders, their interest and power, and establish communication plan to an acceptable standard. Acceptable WBS, but incomplete. Correct diagrammatic form.
Does not complete at least 3 of the following: identified stakeholders, grouped them into internal and external stakeholders, their interest and power, and establish communication plan to an acceptable standard. Poor WBS. Very poor attempt at a developing or drawing a WBS.
Risk Analysis (10%)
Risks identified and analyzed, detailed responses planned, with proximity of risks.
Risks identified and analyzed, detailed responses planned.
Risks identified and analyzed, attempt made at planning responses
Risks identified, initial analysis conducted
An attempt made at identifying risks, but not at risk management.
Quality Assurance Record
Internal Approval:
Mary Simpson 28.09.2018
External Approval:
Code and title for the Project Management Module:
Project Management (BM522)
Leader of the module:
Panagiotopoulou, Eleftheria
No. and type of assignment:
Weighting for evaluation:
fifty percent
Submission time and date:
Week 7 1st April
Target feedback time and date:
Task requirements
This coursework is a 1500 (+/- 10%) word report designed to assess learner’s ability to demonstrate an in depth knowledge and systematic understanding of project management theory and tools linked to the planning of projects.
Project Management – Bucks Student’s Union Music Festival
Case Study
Recently graduated, you have secured a Sabbatical Officer’s post with a student union called Bucks Students’ Union, a students’ representation organisation run by students for students to ensure students view on a wide range of topics and issue is expressed. And you have been assigned to