Posted: January 28th, 2022
BIOL123 essay
Y Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
Student Name: Nelli Vardanesyan
Access Code (located on the underside of the lid of your lab kit): AC-TKCHSQ9
“Pre-Lab Questions”
1. What is a model organism, and why is Saccharomyces cerevisiae so often used as one?
A model organism is a non-human species that has been thoroughly studied in order to
get a better understanding of specific biological processes, with the hope that
discoveries gained in the model organism can help scientists comprehend the workings
of other creatures. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is frequently utilized as a model organism
because it is not only simple and affordable to cultivate in the lab, but also because its
cells are uniform in size and expand solely in length, making cell growth easier to track.
2. Research and discuss the properties of mold that make them sometimes beneficial to
humans, and sometimes potentially harmful.
Molds can benefit humans in a variety of ways. Mold decomposes dead material and
returns them to the ecosystem, we eat some types of mold like mushrooms, and we
create medications like penicillin from mold. Molds can cause chronic coughing and
sneezing, eye discomfort, persistent headaches, and irritation of the throat and nose in
people. Mold can cause an allergic reaction in extreme cases, resulting in nausea,
vomiting, and pulmonary and nasal hemorrhage.
3. Parasitic helminths are a major cause of disease in undeveloped countries around the
world. Discuss the role that microbiologists can and have played in helping to reduce
the number of infections caused by parasitic helminths. After doing some
investigation, I discovered that the number of parasitic helminth illnesses had really
increased. Specific drugs are used to treat various infections, depending on the type of
infection. Treatments for other symptoms caused by the illness, such as fluids for
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Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
diarrhea, will be prescribed by the doctor. Blood tests, feces samples, x-rays,
endoscopies, and colonoscopies are all used to make diagnoses.
“ EXPERIMENT 1: Mold Growth on Bread and Fruit
Data Tables
Table 1: Experiment 1 Growth Results
Post-Lab Questions
1. Which condition produced the most mold growth? The least? The fastest? The slowest?
Bright Sugar was the circumstance that promoted the highest mold growth. The Bright
Vinegar and Dark Vinegar conditions yielded the least amount of development, with no
growth. Dark Control, Dark Water, and Dark Sugar were the conditions that produced the
most quickly. Bright Control and Bright Lemon were the conditions that truly caused the
slowest growth, aside from the ones that had no growth.
2. What was the purpose of examining three pieces of bread and three pieces of apple in
each treatment? To observe if one had grown while the other didn’t, either due to a
mistake on our part or some of the equipment we utilized.
Condition Day of First Visible
Extent of Growth on
Bread (Mean)
Extent of Growth on
Apple (Mean)
Bright, Control 7 days Little Very Little
Bright, Water 6 days Little Little
Bright, Sugar 6 days Moderate Moderate
Bright, Lemon 8 days Very little Very Little
Bright, Vinegar zero growth Zero Zero
Dark, Control 2 days Little Little
Dark, Water 3 days Little Little
Dark, Sugar 3 days Moderate Very little
Dark, Lemon 6 days Very Little Very Little
Dark, Vinegar zero growth Zero Zero
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Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
3. Based on your results, what conditions are most favorable for mold growth on bread?
On apple?
Bright Sugar and Dark Sugar were the best conditions for mold growth on the bread.
Bright Sugar was the most conducive to mold growth on the apple.
4. Would these conditions apply to all fungal growth?
These conditions, I believe, may not apply to all fungal development.
5. Did you notice a difference in mold growth on the bread vs the apple? If so, what do
you think might account for this difference?
In comparison to the apple, I noticed mold growing on the bread. Mold was more
prevalent on the bread than on the fruit. I believe that the yeast in bread was responsible
for the difference. It appears to promote faster and larger growth.
6. How would changing the type of bread (e.g. fresh from a bakery, no preservatives vs.
prepackaged with preservatives) affect the results?
I believe that the amount of mold growth would be affected by changing the type of
bread. We probably would have had greater mold development if we had used fresh
bread with no preservatives instead of bread with preservatives.
7. How do you think changing the temperature at which the bags were incubated
affected the results?
If we had incubated the bags, we would have likely seen more mold development
because the warmth would have encouraged it.
8. How would you test the predictions/hypotheses from Questions 6 and 7?
We’d test the predictions or hypotheses from questions 6 and 7 by obtaining the three
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Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
distinct types of bread, fresh, no preservatives, and pre-packaged with preservatives, as
well as an incubator, and executing the experiment in this manner.
9. Look up the pH of lemon juice and vinegar. Based on your results and your knowledge
of favorable environmental conditions for fungal growth, what can you conclude about
the effect of pH on growth?
Acetic acid has a PH of roughly 2.4, while lemon juice has a PH of around 2.0. We may
conclude, based on our findings and our understanding of favorable environmental
conditions for fungal development, that the effect of pH on growth dictates how much
mold will grow. It appears that if the pH is higher, mold development is less likely, or in
our case, none at all, with the vinegar.
10. What is the source of the mold that grew on the samples?
Fungal spores in the air are the source of the mold.
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Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
Insert a photo of your mold growth. Include your name and access code handwritten in
the background of your photo.
“ EXPERIMENT 2: Microscopic Observation of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Post-Lab Questions
1. What information/structures were you able to glean from the Gram stain that you
could not get from the methylene blue stain?
I was able to tell if it was gram positive or negative, as well as the morphology of the
bacteria, from the gram stain, which I couldn’t tell from the methylene blue stain.
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Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
2. What information/structures were you able to glean from the methylene blue stain
that you could not get from the Gram stain?
I was able to see the structure and cell wall with the methylene blue stain, which I would
not have been able to see with the gram stain.
3. Is Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gram-positive or Gram-negative? Research and describe
the composition of yeast cell walls. How does the composition compare to the cell
walls of Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria?
Bacterial cell walls are not gram positive or gram negative like those of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, yeast. The difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria is
the thickness of their cell walls, which can be seen through staining. Gram positive cells
have thick cell walls, while gram negative cells have thin cell walls. peptidoglycan
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Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, & Viruses BIO250L”
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Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, and Viruses (Y Lab 5) BIO250L”
Nelli Vardanesyan is a student.
AC-TKCHSQ9 “Pre-Lab Questions” Access Code (found on the underside of your lab kit’s lid):
1. What is a model organism, and why is Saccharomyces cerevisiae employed as one so frequently?
A model organism is a non-human species that has been extensively studied in order to get a better understanding of specific biological processes, with the goal that discoveries made in the model organism may aid scientists in better understanding the workings of other organisms. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly used as a model organism because its cells are homogeneous in size and extend primarily in length, making cell growth easy to follow.
2. Investigate and discuss the features of mold that make it both beneficial and potentially hazardous to people.
Mold can be beneficial to humans in a number of ways. Mold decomposes dead matter and returns it to the ecosystem; humans eat some species of mold, such as mushrooms, and we use mold to make drugs such as penicillin. Molds can cause chronic coughing and sneezing, eye irritation, persistent migraines, and throat and nose irritation in humans. Mold can trigger an allergic reaction, resulting in nausea, vomiting, and lung and nasal bleeding in severe cases.
3. Parasitic helminths are a leading cause of disease in developing countries worldwide. Discuss the role that microbiologists can and have performed in reducing the frequency of parasitic helminth infections. After some research, I realized that the number of parasitic helminth infections had skyrocketed. Various medications are used to treat different types of infections, depending on the infection. Treatments for other illness-related symptoms, such as fluids for dehydration
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Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, and Viruses (Lab 5) The doctor will prescribe BIO250L for diarrhea. Diagnoses are made using blood tests, feces samples, x-rays, endoscopies, and colonoscopies. EXPERIMENT 1: Data Tables on Mold Growth on Bread and Fruit
Experiment 1 Growth Results (Table 1)
Questions to Ask After the Lab
1. Which of the following conditions resulted in the maximum mold growth? The very least? Who’s the fastest? Who’s the slowest?
The condition that favored the most mold growth was bright sugar. With no growth, the Bright Vinegar and Dark Vinegar environments produced the least amount of development. The conditions that generated the most fast were Dark Control, Dark Water, and Dark Sugar. Apart from the circumstances that had no growth, Bright Control and Bright Lemon were the ones that caused the slowest growth.
2. Why did you look at three pieces of bread and three pieces of apple in each treatment? To see if one had grown while the other had not, either because of a blunder on our part or because of the equipment we used.
Condition The First Day of Visible Growth
Bread’s Extent of Growth (Mean)
Apple (Mean) Growth Extent Bright, Control Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water 6 days Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar 6 days Moderate Moderate Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon 8 days VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY Control, Zero Zero Dark Water, Little Little Dark, 2 days 3 days Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar Moderate for 3 days Lemon with a hint of darkness 6 days VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY 0 (zero)
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Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, and Viruses (Lab 5) BIO250L”
3. What conditions, based on your findings, are most conducive to mold formation on bread?
On a piece of apple?
The optimal conditions for mold growth on the bread were bright sugar and dark sugar.
On the apple, Bright Sugar was the most conductive to mold formation.
4. Are these conditions applicable to all fungi?
I feel that these criteria do not apply to all fungal development.
5. Did you notice a difference between the mold growth on the bread and the mold growth on the apple? If that’s the case, how do you suppose this discrepancy came about?
I noticed mold spreading on the bread in comparison to the apple. On the bread, mold was more abundant than on the fruit. The difference, I assume, was caused by the yeast in bread. It tends to encourage faster and more substantial growth.
6. What effect will changing the type of bread (fresh from the bakery, no preservatives vs. packed with preservatives) have on the results?
Changing the type of bread, I suppose, would impact the amount of mold growth. We would have had more mold growth if we had utilized fresh bread without preservatives instead of preservative-laden bread.
7. What effect do you believe the temperature at which the bags were incubated had on the results?
We would have seen greater mold growth if we had incubated the bags because the warmth would have encouraged it.
8. How would you put the predictions/hypotheses you made in Questions 6 and 7 to the test?
We’d use the three questions to assess the predictions or hypotheses from questions 6 and 7.
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Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, and Viruses (Lab 5) BIO250L” a variety of fresh, no preservatives, and pre-packaged with preservatives varieties of bread, as well as an incubator, and conducting the experiment in this method
9. Find out how acidic lemon juice and vinegar are. What conclusions can you draw regarding the effect of pH on growth based on your findings and your knowledge of favorable environmental conditions for fungal development?
Lemon juice has a PH of around 2.0, while acetic acid has a PH of around 2.4. Based on our findings and knowledge of favorable environmental conditions for fungal development, we may conclude that the effect of pH on growth determines how much mold will grow. Mold development appears to be less likely, or non-existent, when the pH is higher, as it was in our situation with the vinegar.
10. Where did the mold that formed on the samples come from?
The mold is caused by fungal spores in the air.
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“Insert a snapshot of your mold development into Lab 5 Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, and Viruses BIO250L.” In the background of the shot, handwrite your name and access code. EXPERIMENT 2: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Microscopic Observation Post-Lab Questions
1. What information/structures were you able to glean from the Gram stain that the methylene blue stain couldn’t provide?
From the gram stain, I was able to determine if it was gram positive or negative, as well as the morphology of the bacterium, which I couldn’t tell from the methylene blue stain.
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2. What information/structures did the methylene blue stain reveal that the Gram stain did not?
With the methylene blue stain, I was able to see the structure and cell wall, which I would not have been able to observe with the gram stain.
3. Does Saccharomyces cerevisiae have a Gram-positive or Gram-negative chromosome? Investigate and explain the structure of yeast cell walls. How does the composition compare to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria cell walls?
Bacterial cell walls, unlike those of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are not gram positive or gram negative. The thickness of their cell walls, which may be detected through staining, distinguishes gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The cell walls of Gram positive cells are thick, while those of Gram negative cells are thin. peptidoglycan
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Eukaryotic Microbes, Parasitology, and Viruses (Lab 5) BIO250L”
Place a photo of your slide here. In the background of the shot, handwrite your name and access code.
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