Posted: February 24th, 2022
bio, due after 13 hours
1) Introduction (5 points)
a. Background info on studied organism with citations:
i. Is the observed phenomena explicitly stated?
ii. Are there three parenthetical in-text citations?
iii. Do the citations give background information about the organism being studied?
b. Question driving the experiment:
i. Is the research Question explicitly stated?
c. Hypothesis:
i. Is the proposed testable explanation for the observed phenomenon explicitly stated?
2) Materials and Methods (10 points):
a. Are ALL of the materials needed for the experiment listed and neatly organized?
b. Are ALL of the methodological steps given in a format that can be read out loud like a story (no personal pronouns)?
c. Are enough details given in order replicate the experiment exactly the same if someone was reading the paper?
d. Is a precise prediction given for the results of the experiment if the proposed hypothesis is true?
3) Works Cited (5 points):
a. Is there a separate heading labeled “Works Cited”?
b. Are all three sources listed (from introduction) accurately in APA format?