Posted: February 19th, 2022
BIBL 104 New Testament Bible Study Assignment – Studying the Gospels
Studying the Gospels
Passage: Luke 10:38-42
For this assignment, you will be studying a story from the Gospels. More specifically, you will be studying Jesus encounter with Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. You will use the template below in order to complete a study of this passage. In your study, you will use the skills of Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application that you have become familiar with through your reading in Everyday Bible Study.
I. Observation
A. I have read Luke 10:38-42 in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB)
and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in your myWSB Library.
o Yes
o No
B. Identify the basic elements of the story you are studying
1. Main characters: (List them)
2. Plot: (50-100 words)
3. Story structure: (50-100 words)
C. List basic observations about this passage using the “Key Question” for observation.
Remember to consult the list of items from the observation section in studying the Gospels in Chapter 36. This will help you be more detailed in your answers to “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how.”
1. Who:
2. What:
3. Where:
4. When:
5. Why:
6. How:
II. Interpretation
A. Determine the author’s main point. In 1-2 paragraphs (100-400 words) explain what you
think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember to take into consideration that this passage includes a conversation that Jesus has with Martha. Thus, this passage is both showing and telling us something.
B. Based on your answer above, write out one principle from this passage. You should be able
to express this principle in 1-3 sentences.
III. Correlation
A. How does this passage from Luke’s Gospel fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State
what type of story you believe this to be (creation, fall, redemption, or new creation) and explain why you believe this to be so. Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.
B. How does your principle from Luke 10:38-42 fit with the rest of the Scripture? This
principle is the one you have written out in 1-3 sentences in the Interpretation section. If your principle is a true Biblical principle it will be reflected throughout the Scriptures. Where is the principle discovered in this New Testament narrative found elsewhere in the Scriptures? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.
C. How does this passage from Luke’s Gospel reflect the person and work of Jesus Christ?
State and explain at least one way that the principle of this passage identifies something of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.
IV. Application
What points of application can be made using the Four Questions for Application? State and explain 1 point of application for each of these four questions. Your explanation for each of these points should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length.
A. The question of duty
B. The question of character
C. The question of goals
D. The question of discernment