Posted: February 26th, 2022
· Complete the worksheet.
· Use your own words. Do not copy or quote directly from your sources. Assignments that copy or quote directly from another source will be returned ungraded.
· Include at least two articles published within the past 3 years (1 point)
· Include at least two scholarly articles (1 point)
· Include at least one credible cross-cultural reference (1 point)
· Include at least one credible policy-related reference (1 point)
· Submit completed worksheet in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Include your name in the file name. (1 point)
For more detail, refer to the Syllabus.
For help with APA-7 format, visit the “APA Citation and Style Resources” module under Content in the LEO Classroom.
Reference 1 – Cross-cultural reference
Reference in APA-7 format (4 pts)
Houghton, S., Hunter, S. C., Rosenberg, M., Wood, L., Zadow, C., Martin, K., & Shilton, T. (2015). Virtually impossible: Limiting Australian children and adolescents daily screen-based media use. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1.
Annotation (12 points)
In your own words (no copying or use of quotations), provide the following:
· Summary of key findings (1-2 paragraphs)
· 3-5 key takeaways (may be a bulleted list)
· Reflection of the usefulness of the source for your project (1-2 sentences)
Research conducted by American, Australian, and Canadian Health departments have cited concerns about the increasing use of screen-based media use (SBMU) in children, especially those under the age of two. Health professionals recommend limiting exposure to SBMU to two hour or less per day, but this is challenging as SBMU is available in schools, afterschool activities, and home.
This study of 2,620 Australian students in 3rd, 5th, and 7th grades across 30 schools found that warnings about SBMU have not been heeded. This is consistent with studies from the USA, UK, and Canada which showed in increase in screen viewing of all types ranging from 3 hours and 45 minutes to 4 hours and 30 minutes. Across countries, over 50 percent of the children studied regularly used some form of screen-based media more than the recommended two hours.
Key takeaways from this article:
· The American Academic of Pediatrics recommends that children younger than 2 should not be exposed to entertainment-based screen-based media at all. Children over two should be limited to less than 2 hours of entertainment-based screen-based media per day.
· Previous studies have shown that increasingly, parents are not adhering to the 2-hour guidelines.
· Previous studies have shown that the use of screen-based media in young children is associated with health risks.
· The research study in this article confirms that across several English-speaking countries, more than half of children studied used screen-based media more than the recommended amount.
This study will be useful for my project because it has an excellent background section that provides a summary of research in the field. I will be able to use some of this background in my presentation. It also provides cross-cultural comparisons, demonstrating that overuse of screen-based media among children is an issue around the world.
How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (3 pts)
I retrieved this article from the UMUC Library database searching scholarly articles. The article was published in a peer-reviewed journal. The authors are subject matter experts affiliated with universities and the authors reference other articles from peer-reviewed journals.