Posted: October 16th, 2022
Becoming A Culturally Competent Practitioner
Becoming A Culturally Competent Practitioner
250 words
Use your Diversity, Oppression, and Social Functioning text to read the following:
Chapter 1, “Framework for Practice With Diverse and Oppressed Clients,” pages 1–15.
This chapter covers theory for practice, ecological framework for practice, diversity and strengths perspective, value base for practice, and the assessment and intervention framework. The theory for practice, ecological framework for practice, diversity and strengths perspective, value base for practice, and assessment and intervention framework are all covered in this chapter.
Use the Capella University Library to read the following:
Hester, R. J. (2012). The promise and paradox of cultural competence. HEC Forum, 24(4), 279–291.
Use the Internet to complete the following:
National Association of Social Workers. (2015). Standards and indicators for cultural
competence in social work practice [PDF]. Available from in cross-cultural functioning means learning new patterns of behavior and effectively applying them in appropriate settings” (NASW, 2015, p.13). After reviewing the document, which do you feel are the most important? Provide an example or two from your own experience or practice that illustrates this indicator in use. How did the use of this effective practice impact the outcome of the situation?
National Association of Social Workers. (2015). Standards and indicators for cultural competence in social work practice. Washington, DC: Author.