Posted: March 3rd, 2022
BCO121 GLOBAL ECONOMICS – Task brief & rubrics
BCO121 GLOBAL ECONOMICS – Task brief & rubrics
Mid term
· Individual task
· In the week 7 class on March 7th you will have to submit your mid term assignment through turnitin on the Moodle page of this course
· You must complete the task in class on your computer and submit it before the end of your class
· You must submit your work as a word document and any other type of document will not be accepted as other types of documents will not give turnitin scores
Why did Donald Trump seek to start a trade war with China when he was the President of the USA?
In your answer you should:
· Define free trade and define trade wars
· Consider the pros and cons of free trade, referring to the theory of comparative advantage
· Consider the impacts of free trade on blue collar (former manufacturing) workers over the last 40 years in the USA,
· Consider the validity of allegations made against China of unfair trade practices such as allegations that China devalued the RMB/Yuan and why China would have done this (if it did indeed do this)
· With the use of relevant economic diagrams consider the pros and cons of the USA applying trade barriers (such as but not only tariffs) on Chinese goods entering the USA
· Consider who in the USA would win and who would lose from the application of trade barriers on Chinese goods
· Consider how China has so far reacted and may continue to react to the application of trade barriers by the USA on Chinese goods
· The minimum amount of words to be used is 2000 and the maximum is 2500
· You may want to include images/graphics etc. (for example from their website) to make your reasoning and argumention more visual and explicative
· Font: Arial. Size: 12,5pts. Line spacing: 1,5. Text align: Justified.
· Appendices and References, do not count towards the final wordcount but are strongly recommended (referencing websites, articles, books etc.)
· In text references and and a bibliogrpahy are expected and must follow the Harvard citation style.
Submission: is due on Turnitin by 18:00 on 7th March 2022. Submission can not be completed before the start of your class on 7th March 2022
Weight: This task is worth 40% of your overall grade for this subject.
Outcomes: This task assesses the following learning outcomes:
· develop a complex understanding of the main concepts of international economics and how to apply them;
· understand and analyze the different global economic theories;
· distinguish between the different international economic systems;
· explore economic integration in different economic areas
Marginal fail
Knowledge and Identification of the main Issues
Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues / problems in the case study
Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues/problems.
Identifies and demonstrates acceptable understanding of some of the issues/problems in the case study
Does not identify or demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the issues/problems in the case study
Student applies fully relevant knowledge to the situation provided
Student applies mostly relevant knowledge to the situation provided
Student applies some relevant knowledge to the situation provided. Some minor misunderstandings may be evident.
Student applies little relevant knowledge to the situation provided. Misunderstandings are evident.
Student assembles a coherent response to the question, providing a range of support and justification that leads to a well-reasoned conclusion
Student assembles a good response to the question, providing support and justification that lead to a well-reasoned conclusion
Student assembles a fair response to the question, providing some support and justification that lead to a well-reasoned conclusion. Minor misunderstandings may be evident
Student’s response to the question lacks coherence. Limited support and justification are provided that may or may not be well linked to the conclusion
Student communicates ideas extremely clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account.
Student communicates ideas clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account.
Student communicates ideas fairly clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account.
Student attempts to communicate ideas clearly and concisely, with some problems. Student does not follow the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align.
GLOBAL ECONOMICS BCO121 – Task Brief & Rubrics
Individual assignment
In the week 7 class on March 7th, you will be required to submit your midterm assignment via Turnitin on this course’s Moodle website.
You must complete the task on your computer in class and submit it before the end of the class.
You must submit your work as a word document; any other type of document will not be accepted because it will not receive a turnitin score.
Why did Donald Trump want to ignite a trade war with China while he was President of the United States?
You should include the following in your response:
Define free trade and trade warfare.
Consider the benefits and drawbacks of free