Posted: October 29th, 2022
BBAH70402: Specialization in Luxury Brand Strategy
Course Number BBAH70402 Course Title: Specialization in Luxury Brand
Program BBA International
Assignment Type Report Assignment
Individual Assignment
Semester 2022.04 Hand-out date: Course week: 1, Monday 12th
September 2022
Campus / Learning
Bulle/London /
Level 6
Hand-in date: Course week 8: Monday 31st
October 2022 at 3pm
Overall Grade
Weighting %
55% Grade
Distribution %
100% Individual
Hand-in Place: TII through Moodle (electronic copy)
on Specialization course link
IV’ed and approved – Final version 2022.04
To apply knowledge of the principles of luxury brand management and of evaluating its marketing
strategy to maintain the brand’s identity and luxury credentials in an evolving environment.
This assignment is based on academic knowledge of luxury strategy and understanding of the principles
of luxury marketing with reference to the “dream equation” (Kapferer & Bastien, 2012).
Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the concept of luxury branding and its management in the
current environment.
LO2 Deconstruct the philosophy and identity of a luxury brand.
LO3 Make strategic recommendations for the use of marketing communications through a range of
media to maintain the brand’s luxury credentials.
Transferable Skills:
TS1: Communication
TS3: Information literacy
Resources relevant to this assignment are listed in the Course Description but students are
responsible for identifying and using other appropriate resources independently.
• Select an existing non-hospitality luxury brand from the provided list.
• Present and discuss the positioning of this brand (to be included as a visual in the appendix).
• Propose a new hospitality-related brand extension to your parent brand. Analyse how the new
extension matches the brand’s promise, reinforces the parent brand and helps customer live
the parent’s brand dream.
• Clarify target audience and analyse how the new brand extension addresses their
characteristics and unique requirements. Present persona for the new brand extension (to be
included as an appendix).
• Justify business objectives driving the decision of introducing this extension.
• Present brand identity prism for the parent brand and show how the new brand extension
translates the key components in its business, discuss its key differentiating elements (brand
identity prism to be included as an appendix).
• Discuss marketing strategy for the brand extension in relation to its parent brand’s marketing
and evaluate how it will help deliver the brand’s dream. You must utilize online and offline
IV’ed and approved – Final version 2022.04
• This assignment is to be presented in form of a report.
• Support your discussion with references to the relevant literature on the principles of luxury
brand management, marketing and communication (minimum of 20 relevant references are
required). Sources can be identified through the Course Description, class material, and own
academic research.
All references and data sources used must be cited in the body of your text and also appear in a
reference list at the end of your paper using the correct APA format (7
th edition).
References are important. They acknowledge your source and avoids risk of plagiarism. They also
provide the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite for further
i) Appendices:
Appendices containing positioning, persona and brand identity prism are required. You will receive
specific guidelines on these during workshops.
ii) Format and Word Count: Reports of 2500 words (+/- 10%).
You will be penalized if the number of words is 10% over or under the permitted word count.
Note: the reference list and any appendices are NOT included in your word count.
Assignment Submission:
Assignment to be submitted electronically via the submission link on the course specialization site on
Moodle by Monday 31st October at 3pm.
The paper will be graded based on the following dimensions:
Task LOs & TSs Learning Descriptors* Assessment
Research Paper
& Strategic
LO1, LO2,
TS1, TS3
• Knowledge & Understanding
• Cognitive Skills
• Professional Competencies
• Transferable Skills
Summative 100%
* See Appendix I & II for Grading Guidelines and details of Learning Descriptors
Grade Weighting Grade
Learning Descriptors: Knowledge & Understanding 20%
Cognitive Skills 20%
Professional Competencies 20%
Transferable Skills: TS1: Communication 20%
IV’ed and approved – Final version 2022.04
To ensure proper academic research and report writing techniques, each individual or group written
project work should include the following statement, signed by all students involved in the project.
“I confirm that this work is my own. Additionally, I confirm that no part of this coursework, except
where clearly quoted and referenced, has been copied from material belonging to any other person
e.g. from a book, handout, another student. In the event that I have used technology for checking
and/or translating any text prior to my submission, I confirm that I have clearly mentioned this in my
work. I am aware that it is a breach of GIHE regulations to copy the work of another without clear
acknowledgement and that attempting to do so renders me liable to disciplinary procedures. To this
effect, I have uploaded my work onto Moodle and have ensured that I have made any relevant
corrections to my work prior to submission.”
• It is your responsibility to check your own Originality Report and to ensure that you have
removed any possible elements of plagiarism or bad practice (please refer to your APA
pocket guide on how to reference correctly).
• Late work will not be accepted, and you will receive zero for your work.
• You are required to submit an electronic copy of your work to Turnitin. The electronic copy is
designated as the formal submission document.
• The final piece of work must be uploaded in enough time for the system to accept it on the due
date. The system sometimes takes longer than normal to accept reports (from 30 min up to few
hours). Please note that larger documents will upload more quickly if they are saved as a PDF
• Referencing will be checked as Turnitin only checks similarities.
• Should you have difficulty using the system, you must contact your lecturer immediately
(leaving this until the last minute is unacceptable). It is YOUR responsibility to upload your own
work and last minute IT issues will not be considered as mitigation.
• You must not upload your work onto another person’s account. If this happens, your
submission may not be assessed, leading to a zero.
• You are required to agree to the Turnitin usage policies when you first access the Turnitin
website. Full information regarding the Turnitin service, including privacy, copyright and fair
usage can be found on the Turnitin website at
TS3: Information Literacy 20%
IV’ed and approved – Final version 2022.04
GIHE LEVEL 6: Grading Guidelines (semester 5, 6 to 7)
Grade Learning Descriptor
80 – 100%
a) Knowledge: A clear and exact demonstration of systematic knowledge and the
critical understanding of the subject area: all arguments carefully developed and
clearly shown. Considered and effective use of literature beyond that supplied in
the classroom. Data specialist in nature and informed by the existing body of
b) Cognitive: Synthesize, critically evaluate, and challenge information. Apply
knowledge and understanding accurately to a range of issues, questions and
problems. Apply established techniques to synthesize, critically evaluate and
challenge information. Recognizes the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits to
knowledge. Clear evidence of thinking and links to originality.
c) Professional Competencies: Engage, as appropriate practical and profession
skills and relevant ethical issues.
d) Transferable Skills: communicate complex information, arguments, and ideas
effectively and appropriately to explore issues and problems, use recognized
literature, ICT, and planning; excellent report structure with APA presentation of
figures, tables, references (in-text and list) where appropriate. Evidence of
originality and novelty present.
70 – 79%
Very Good
a) Knowledge: A sound grasp of the subject material, with some critical
understanding and logical arguments shown. Reasonable evidence of wider study
beyond the classroom.
b) Cognitive: Knowledge applied and used appropriately. Evidence of synthesis,
critical review, and arguments. Evidence of critical thinking and evaluation of data.
e) Professional Competencies: Some engagement, as appropriate practical and
profession skills and relevant ethical issues.
c) Transferable Skills: evidence of complex information and argument’s evident,
considered use of communication tools, literature, ICT, and planning; well
organized report; appropriate choice and APA presentation of figures and tables;
clearly presented throughout.
50 – 69%
a) Knowledge: Reasonable understanding of subject matter with some critical review
and evaluation, but some flaws and errors evident. Only limited evidence of wider
study and use of literature information.
b) Cognitive: Knowledge used to interpret data with some knowledge application
evident. But problems found in overall logic and argument. Limited critical review
and evaluation, thus thinking not shown.
c) Professional Competencies: Little evidence of key skill development in line with
practical and/or professional problem solving.
d) Transferable Skills: considered use of communication tools, literature, ICT, and
planning; a generally clear report with acceptable format, but some errors in APA
style and/or omissions in presentation.
40 – 49%
a) Knowledge: Limited understanding of the topic with a minimal critical application
or evaluation; considerable factual errors evident. Virtually no inclusion of literature
information beyond lecture materials.
b) Cognitive: Knowledge used to describe, a limited application of knowledge shown.
Limited evidence of argument and logical thinking.
c) Professional Competencies: Limited evidence of skills development in line with
practical or professional development or problem solving.
IV’ed and approved – Final version 2022.04
d) Transferable Skills: inadequate use of communication tools, ICT, and some
planning; little attention given to the report structure; a very limited use of illustrative
tables and figures. APA problems evident and serious flaws in presentation shown.
a) Knowledge: Minimal understanding of the subject; serious factual errors evident.
No critical review or evaluation evident.
b) Cognitive: Very limited argument or logic shown. Poor evidence of thought.
c) Professional Competencies: Poor evidence of skills development.
d) Transferable Skills: poor use of communication tools, literature, ICT, and planning;
poorly structured report; disorganized, missing sections, minimal presentation of
supporting data.
0 – 19%
a) Knowledge: Very poor coverage of material with little relevant information evident.
Virtually no evidence of understanding or exploration. A few lines of relevant material
or no material at all.
b) Cognitive: No argument or logic shown.
c) Professional Competencies: None shown
d) Transferable Skills: minimal attempt to provide a structured answer. Poor.
The qualitative criteria include consideration of:
− The quality of the report/essay – use of sections, diagrams, figures, citation of references,
neatness etc.
− Student knowledge of the subject; depth and quality of answer.
− Evidence of reading / study beyond the regurgitation of standard taught materials.
− Shows level 6 competencies together with synthesis and evaluation.
Common Assessment Methods: case studies, dissertations, simulations, applied business projects,
final reports/end of term papers, long answer examination.