Posted: October 14th, 2022
Basic Principles of Software Engineering
Submit a research paper worthy of peer-reviewed publication in a scientific /IT journal. Research materials used should not be more than 5 years old.
Topic: Basic Principles of Software Engineering To Ensure Successful Software Development
You are the Software Development Manager of Tacit Software Systems, a commercial software manufacturer. Your organization has won a $3.2 million contract with the technology giant, ImageNeT Corporation to write and deliver software applications that would drive their key manufacturing processes. The product delivery date is 220 days from the date of the contract award. As the Software Development Manager, what are the basic principles (at least 7 of them) of software engineering that you need to adopt to ensure a successful software development project and timely product delivery? Your company has been awarded a $3.2 million contract by the technology behemoth ImageNeT Corporation to develop and deliver software applications that will power their key manufacturing processes. The product will be delivered 220 days after the contract is awarded. What are the fundamental principles of software engineering (at least seven of them) that you must follow as the Software Development Manager to ensure a successful software development project and timely product delivery?
Length of Paper: 7-10 pages min/max. Word document. No PDF submission.
Naming Convention: Paper should be named according to: FirstName.LastName – Paper 2 Individual.docx
Writing Format/Style: APA 7 formatted, 12- Times New Roman font, Double-spaced.
Paper should discuss the following sections (each section must have a separate page).
– Cover Page (separate page)
– Abstract
– Introduction
– Recommendations
– Conclusion
– References
– Appendix (if any)
** Note: Abstract and References do not contribute toward page count.
** All diagrams, tables, and figures must be clearly labeled and placed in the Appendix section.
** Concise use of words and sentences.
** Be straight to the point, no rigmarole.
** Use peer-reviewed publications and articles not more than 5 years old.
** No Wikipedia, Webopedia, or Blog.
**Paper will be graded for organization, mechanics writing, correctness and completeness of contents, literature used, and APA 7 formatting, including in-text citations and references.