Posted: February 28th, 2022
BA Assignment essay
• Due on 03/26/21 Friday @7pm EST
• APA Format
• Minimum of 400 words
• Minimum of 1 scholarly source and provide hyperlink to FULL article or journal
• Submit through TurnItIn and provide the report (<10%)
What are some effective strategies to facilitate all unit members’ participation in the goal of increasing patient satisfaction scores?
• After reading the scenario, provide effective strategies that we can select to facilitate the hospital staff’s compliance with the selected plan to achieve optional outcomes.
You are one of three nurse manager of a 250-bed acute care hospital. The nursing staff is diverse in culture, in experience, and in educational backgrounds. The patient satisfaction scores for the hospital for pain control are below what is expected, being below the comparison group scores. Thus, the Value-Based Reimbursement to the hospital is not at the level for any reimbursement. The Director of Nursing has given your team the goal of increasing the scores for the question, “Did everything to help with my pain” to above the mean of the comparison group of like 250-bed hospitals. The last four quarters of pain scores for the organization are noted below.
Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Unit Score 42 45 47 40
Comparison Mean 59 60 57 62
The scores are overall scores; however, your three units are the units that are significantly under the comparison mean and thus are the reason for the low overall scores. You each have 30 beds on your unit and are staffed with a charge nurse and a nurse to patient ratio rate of one nurse to six patients on nights and one nurse to five patients on the day shift. You have two nurse aides per shift as well as a unit secretary. Over the past three quarters, each nurse manager has worked individually on the unit scores with no improvement. Strategies that you have used include posting the scores and discussing the scores at the monthly unit staff meeting. The three of you are now tasked with developing a hospital-wide program to ensure improved patient satisfaction outcome scores for pain. This is a high priority for the hospital and the results must be seen in the next quarter. This is a plan for your three units to pilot and if successful, it could be rolled out to the entire hospital at a future date.