Posted: March 2nd, 2022
AT devices for students with physical disabilities
AT devices for students with physical disabilities
AT devices for students with physical disabilities
There are so many academic and social benefits to providing AT devices for students with physical disabilities. Without their implementation, students and teachers are both at a huge disadvantage academically. First, watch the movie. How Assistive Technology Enables Dreams and fully explore the “DO-IT” webpage. Then, take the role of a special educator who has a student with a physical limitation in your classroom who you know would benefit from assistive technology. Using research-based information to support your position, choose one AT device that is geared toward people with physical disabilities and justify a request for funding to purchase this equipment. Make sure to include the cost, any required training, and how it will impact the student short and long term.
2.As a new high school level special educator at a high school, you are ready to take on the world of inclusive education, by working with a general educator to truly create a collaborative environment. You have been offered your first position co-teaching a biology class, which makes you a little nervous since this really isn’t your strongest subject. During your first few weeks, you haven’t co-planned much with the general education teacher, but you have spent more time supporting the eight students who have IEPs, two of whom are hard of hearing and one who has low vision. The classroom is equipped with a SMART board and an ELMO, both of which you have never seen the science teacher use during her lecture-based instruction.
Present a discussion to your general education teacher about the missed opportunities to incorporate the AT already in her room that is specific to the content area. Explain to your collaborating teacher how the classroom equipment (and make recommendations for other devices) supports not only your students who have sensory deficits, but may also assist others in the classroom. Include at least two additional devices specific to aiding those who are hard of hearing, and at least two for the student who has low vision.