Posted: March 3rd, 2022
assingment about allied health
(use easy words)
in the beginning define the allied health?
Then ,Explain/justify in detail three obstacles/challenges threatening the allied health field today – either with regards to healthcare in general, shortages or surplus of qualified workers, changes in healthcare policy, etc…
Use specific examples from one or more career areas in Allied Health.
Approximate length: 4-5 pages.
Refer to the grading rubric in the Assignments drop box for specifics on grading criteria.
Formatting and Submission Instructions:
Compose your paper using Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application, making use of spell check and grammar check.
Use 11-point, Times New Roman or Calibri font style.
Double-space the paper with 1-inch margins.
Compose about 4-5 pages for this assignment.
Number the pages (center bottom). Include a cover sheet with a Running Head that will include the title of your paper, your full name, course name and number (EXSC 440W), date, and USCA Honor Pledge* (see below).
Format and citations must use APA 6th edition criteria.
Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. • American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC.
Save this assignment as “yourname_paper1.doc.” (i.e., JohnSmith_paper1.doc)
Access the Assignments link located on the Course Menu to upload this assignment to the Paper 1 drop box by the due date listed on the Course Schedule.