Subacute polyarticular arthralgias • swelling of the ankles and right knee • recent travel to the Dominican Republic • Dx?A 78-year-old woman with a history of anxiety and hypertension presented to our family medicine residency practice in Massachusetts with subacute polyarticular arthralgias that had been present for 2 months. She complained of pain and swelling […]
This week’s assignment is STEP 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question. The student will answer the items below in a Word doc and submit to the assignment link. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment. Project Purpose Statement – Provide a declarative sentence or two […]
Submit a synopsis of a teaching/learning theory or educational framework/philosophy You will consult the literature and write a paper presenting a synopsis of a Teaching/Learning Theory/Educational Framework/Philosophy.You may NOT use the same theory, framework and/or philosophy that you used in the Module 1 Discussion. The synopsis should include a scholarly discussion of the theory/ framework […]
SOAP Note Assignment Download and analyze the case study for this week. Create a SOAP note for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case. Your care plan should be based on current evidence and nursing standards of care. Visit the online library and research for current scholarly evidence […]
Take one component in the Metaparadigm of Nursing, identify and discuss the concept or concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring that support that Watson wrote a theory of nursing based on the criteria established in the Metaparadigm of Nursing. Expectations Initial Post: Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references Citations: At least one […]
As you read and complete your coursework this week on dermatological and gastrointestinal disorders and their causes and treatments, connect what you are learning to a current or recent article that relates to one of the week’s topics. Search for a recent journal article or an article from a reputable source in one of the […]
In the chapter, “How Community-Based Organizations Are Addressing Nursing’s Role in Transforming Health Care,” the authors describe the community as the focus of advocacy action for change. They list a series of questions that help community teams develop organizing principles to guide their interventions, and the aim is to attack social determinants of health to […]
Week 5: Major Project Religion and/or faith are sometimes used to challenge a law. This has recently been seen with Christian-based organizations challenging regulations that require them to provide certain contraceptive coverage in their employer-based healthcare plans as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Develop an APA research paper of a legal […]
Top-Quality Paper Writing Help “Who will write my paper?” is a question that many students always ask but find no answers because there are no people willing to respond to such. Luckily, our site provides a platform where students can interact with writers who will help to write academic papers. If a query such as […]
Weekly Assignment 8: Disney Porter’s Five Force MUST HAVE DIAGRAM AS SHOWN IN THE EXAMPLE (attached) please refer the sample and do better work than that Weekly Assignment 8: Porter’s Five Forces Disney Porter’s Five Force 1. Study Porter’s 5 Forces using the resources in the Required Readings section on the main course page. 2. […]